10 Things I Learnt Trying Online Dating for the First Time

How Singaporeans Can Meet ‘The One’

Tell me I’m not the only one – imagining myself as the protagonist in a fantasy world of rom-com and sappy Nicholas Sparks movies living happily ever after. I, too, want to live to tell the tale of having met ‘The One’. But in today’s busy world and with the absence of movie-like romantic bump-ins at the breakfast deli, how can we hope to find that special someone? I turned to the modern day method of finding the one – online dating.

Before registering for an account, I had wild imaginations of the candidates I would meet, the photos I’ll chance upon and the ambiguous biographies I’ll be reading. So you could somewhat say I was verging on panic. And I wasn’t even on a real date yet. Then again, the only thing I’d be giving away are my particulars that I assume I would share at my own discretion. So, what did I have to lose?

Here are 10 things I learned from trying online dating out for the first time.

1. Dating Sites Can Be Very Different From Each Other

Not all dating sites are the same. Some online sites encourage extra-marital affairs and some even allow you to find a  “Sugar Daddy”. Then there are the more morally sound ones out there that just want to help two normal, single people find love.

eSynchrony is one of those – except it is more than just an online dating site. Instead, it is a hybrid online and offline dating site for busy individuals who lead lives surrounded by hectic work schedules. Targeted at the working class, the tense working environment hardly provides this group with opportunities for social meetups. This is where eSynchrony comes in. It generally targets an older, more affluent dating demographic who generally have more developed careers.

2. Long Quizzes Are Good For Weeding Out People Who Aren’t Serious

Upon registration, a lengthy personality quiz ensued, going into the nitty gritty like my personal lifestyle and background details. As I went further, a series of self-assessment questions entailed, leading me to really market myself. So, eSynchrony isn’t the typical dating site I imagined. The questions were mature and therefore took some time to do.

If I wasn’t looking to pursue a serious relationship, this was the cue for me to quit.


eSynchrony requires verification of documents to prevent candidates from providing false information. Such processes require verification with ROM in order to declare that they are legally single so as not to condone extramarital affairs and the submission of ID will filter out minors to prevent underage sexual relationships. So no fake profiles here. 

3. You Get To Be As Picky As You Want

And then the fun began with choosing filters to select your ideal match. Want someone tall, dark, and handsome? In the panels, I am free to be picky about different traits like if I prefer someone older, of the same age, or otherwise.

This would come in extremely handy for people who can only date someone of the same religion. Or perhaps for tall girls who wanted a partner they wouldn’t dwarf after strapping on high-heels.

4. Matches Can Come Flooding In

The quiz took quite a toll on me as the lengthy questionnaire was adamant on filtering out those who are just looking for a casual hook-up.

eSynchrony is determined to find the “perfect match” for you so unlike some other dating sites, searching for profiles of other candidates is not allowed, and vice versa. Hence, I felt secure in providing my lifestyle habits and interests in order to be matched via the system. I didn’t have to fret about privacy breach or even worse, worry about some creep prowling about the site.

Within minutes of my completion, I already had 18 matches lined up. Talk about a line of suitors! ‘Twas time to play predator.

5. The Men Here Are Completely Normal Singaporeans

I was skeptical about the legibility of online dating sites but I have to say the candidates lined up were gracious-looking men with honest biographies and interests. Their display photos also match the description write-up so I didn’t have to worry about being set up with a dodgy looking counterpart.

Meeting new people can be intimidating, even when it comes to the virtual platform. Here, users have the option to set their photos on private and photo requests are available on the ready if someone expresses further interest.

6. Personality Quizzes Help Identify Suitable Matches


Here, I would love to drop a “hello” but the absence of online messaging is due to the company’s motto of creating a tangible relationship through physical human encounter. Again, purely meant to set up offline dates online, eSynchrony prompts candidates to pursue dates instead of creating a virtual relationship that will lead to nowhere.

I also had an interesting read on why my match and I were 83% compatible. So that was what all the earlier questions were for! I was picturing a house and kids (too soon?) through eSynchrony’s breakdown of our financial attitude and relationship expectations, to name a few.

7. Getting A Match Will Give You An Adrenaline Rush

And then I had some pending requests!


Within a few hours after registering, I already had 4 potential mates who wanted to go on a date with me. All I had to do to set things in motion was to hit the ‘Approve’ button with a single click. Behind the scenes, date arrangements would be in the works. I also received a text reminder to state my preferred date and time. How swift!

8. Dating Consultants Are Like Your Fairy Godmother

Not long after, I received a call from my chirpy dating consultant, Jovin. Such personal communication services reflects how much eSynchrony values the importance of privacy with their clients and in turn, I felt protected and was impressed with their efficiency.

We engaged in a friendly chat as she shared blind date tips and services they provided such as restaurant set-ups catering to our dietary preferences. First date jitters are the norm for most hence the arrangements are really flexible and allows users to reschedule dates so as not to stress out about making an appointment.

Jovin also consoled me to sit tight as matches come in daily. She’d make a great fairy godmother.

9. One-Click Is All It Takes To Start A Family

I read a generous number of testimonials and I have to say these love stories scream honesty. All of the stories listed on the site came from real eSynchrony members, many of whom went on to start a family and have kids… and it all stemmed from just that one click!

55% of the sign ups are women and this reflects that when it comes to meeting people online, there is no such thing as battle of the sexes. Ego aside, we’re all just looking for somebody to love.

10. eSynchrony Is Mobile

Finally, eSynchrony recently introduced a Mobile App to make it easier for their members to get the latest updates on the go. The navigation is a bit simple but my list of proposed matches were clearly displayed with photos and basic information for quick browsing.

You also get notifications whenever you get a list of new matches and when someone expresses interest in you.

My Online Dating Takeaway

I checked out 20 men, snagged a date, and got a restaurant set-up reserved – and all this happened in a day! In truth, I like my men old-fashioned and I prefer them to make the first move.

Then again, it’s the 21st century so who keeps track of scoreboards anymore? If I go at this pace, my happily ever after isn’t so far away. Online dating? Not so scary after all.

You too can try out what online dating is like for yourself at eSynchrony.

Register for an account here!

Dating packages range from 2- to 12-months with unlimited dates and a complimentary image and coaching workshop thrown in.

What do you think about online dating? Game or no game? Let us know in the comments below!

This post was brought to you by eSynchrony.

Katherine Arteche

I drink too much coffee and I laugh way too loud.

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