secondary schools

What It’s Like Growing Up In A “Rich” Elite School, As Shared By An Ex-ACS Boy Who Wasn’t As Well Off

ACS doesn't have a great reputation when it comes to elitism and snobbery - but these heartwarming stories might just…

3 years ago

8 Coolest Schools In Singapore With Hidden Features Like Hogwarts-style Library, Flying Fox & Arcade

With awe-inspiring architecture, high elements and even flying foxes, these coolest schools in singapore will leave you green with envy!

3 years ago

I Thought Getting An E8 During O-Levels Would Ruin My Education Path, But I Now Have My Dream Job

Here's how an O-Levels E8 grade and sky-high aggregate didn't stop this Singaporean from clinching her dream job.

3 years ago

17 Top Secondary Schools In Singapore In 2020 Based On Latest PSLE Results

If you're aiming for your child to go to a top secondary school in Singapore, here are some options to…

4 years ago