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Pokka’s Teazzle Is A Sparkling Tea Drink That’s First In The Market

POKKA Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea – a healthier choice 


teazzle sparkling ice tea

Pokka has been supplying us with our favourite bottled tea drinks circa the beginning of time – but they’re really pulling out all the stops with their new offering.

Enter Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea, Pokka’s latest concoction for those of us who love the refreshing fizz of soda and the aromatic fragrance of brewed tea. This “carbonated tea” combo is new to many Singaporeans, so a heads up that the curious among us might cause this to fly off the shelves. Here’re a few more reasons why you should grab a can quickly: 


It’s Singapore’s first ever carbonated tea to hit local stores


As the first ever carbonated tea in Singapore, Teazzle is a melange of all kinds of healthy goodness in one drink. You’ve got fruit juice and brewed tea, but what really sets it apart from all the other drinks out there is the fact that this tea is carbonated

teazzle fizzy ice tea

In other words, you’ll get some extra bubbly fizz like this to enliven your taste buds.  


You can choose from refreshing lemon and peach flavours


teazzle sparking ice tea in lemon

Pokka’s Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea in Lemon flavour has a tangy, zesty flavour that is light on the taste buds. Just the thing for those days where you just need a refreshing, lightly caffeinated beverage to recharge and stay hydrated. 

teazzle sparkling ice tea in peach

The peach flavoured Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea also impressed us with a very pleasant, fruity sweetness that made us feel like we were tasting an actual peach. The fizz leaves a tingly, feel-good sensation on your tongue, and the drink gives you that extra revitalising boost you need to get through a long day at work or an intense gym sesh.  


It’s the healthier choice


Teazzle is also made from natural tea and real juice instead of dubious flavours and chemicals.

That means you can savour the wholesome goodness of these two nutritious beverages all-in-one. 

FYI, the drink doesn’t contain artificial sweeteners, unlike many other drinks. It’s also lower in sugar, so it’s no wonder it managed to secure HPB’s stamp of approval in being “The Healthier Choice”.


Get a refreshing fill of Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea 


If you find yourself reaching out for a soft drink at stores or at coffee shops, consider thinking out of the box and try out this carbonated tea instead, You’ll be in for an extra shiok tea drinking experience, and  unlike normal sodas, you won’t get that unwanted sugar rush!

Find out more about Pokka’s Teazzle Sparkling Ice Tea here!

This post was brought to you by Pokka SG.  Photography by: Chan Hui Wen