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100PLUS Zero Has A Limited Edition Marble Tumbler That Will Turn Heads In Office

100PLUS Zero Sugar – For your daily hydration


100PLUS Zero Sugar

More often than not, I drink water because I have to – not because I like glugging tasteless, lukewarm liquid. As someone who relishes sugary drinks and bubble tea, the taste of water just doesn’t quite cut it. And that’s when 100PLUS Zero comes into play, filled with minerals and electrolytes to keep us hydrated throughout the day.

There’s no sugar. There’re no calories. There’s only 100PLUS Zero, trickling down your throat in a stream of gently fizzing bubbles. From now till 18 August 2018, load up on 100PLUS to get a free marble tumbler with every $15 purchase of 100PLUS*.

*To include purchase of at least 1 bottle/can of 100PLUS Zero Sugar.


Stay healthy with zero sugar and zero calories


100PLUS Zero Sugar - no calories, no sugar

Whether you’re always on-the-go, working in an air conditioned office, or exploring Singapore on weekends, you lose plenty of fluids throughout the day. But with 100PLUS Zero Sugar, you’re keeping hydrated while staying healthy. There are no calories or sugar whatsoever, so it’s a drink that’s been given the stamp of approval with HPB’s Healthier Choice Symbol.

Fill up your tumbler to sip on 100PLUS Zero Sugar – it’s lightly carbonated for a refreshing taste to give you that much-needed oomph on a draining day.


Keep hydrated in Singapore’s heat



100PLUS Zero Sugar - thirst quencher

This hot weather has us panting for some ice-cool drinks but look for 100PLUS Zero Sugar to rescue us all. While it has a ton of minerals and electrolytes to keep us hydrated, it’s also a satisfying thirst quencher – no more parched mouth and painful cracked lips.

It also works wonders when you’re eating spicy food, like mala hot pot or Korean spicy noodles. If the heat gets too extreme, it’s the perfect drink to have right next to you since it cools down your throat and dulls any overwhelming spiciness.

100PLUS Zero Sugar - limited edition marble tumbler

Let’s brush up on our science knowhow: electrolytes are key to balanced, healthy bodies. You can get them from fruits and veggies, but it’s likely you aren’t eating your fair share of the food pyramid’s base. Since the most common electrolyte imbalances come from a lack of sodium and potassium, 100PLUS Zero Sugar is filled with both to keep you thoroughly hydrated.


Free marble tumbler with 100Plus Zero Sugar


100PLUS Zero Sugar - free marble tumbler

We play hard, work hard, heck – we even travel hard. No surprises that our bodies often get thrown out of whack. But don’t forsake your health, especially when all you need to do is load up on 100PLUS Zero to rehydrate with electrolytes and other minerals. From now to 18 August, pop by selected major supermarkets or hypermarkets to get your stash of 100PLUS – you’ll be getting a stylish marble tumbler* for free too! Please contact 100PLUS Singapore for more details. 

*With every $15 purchase of 100 Plus (must include purchase of at least 1 bottle/can of 100 Plus Zero Sugar).

Find out more about 100PLUS Zero Sugar here!

This post was brought to you by 100PLUS.