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5 Shoe Nightmares You Never Have To Deal With Anymore

Shoe Horror Stories

From blisters to worn out shoes, every girl has had her fair share of shoe horror stories. We at know exactly how you feel. We round up 5 of the worst things that can happen to your shoes and some of them may make you never want to wear shoes again. It’s possible.

1. Ill-fitting Shoes: They. Just. Don’t. Fit.

Source: Flickr

Sometimes shoes look better on the shelf than on your feet. Upon slipping them on, suddenly your feet look three sizes too small and you can feel your toes turning blue from the lack of oxygen.

Sure, they feel a tad too snug and that’s probably how foot-binding came about. If the historical experience doesn’t interest you, then they’re next to nothing but your dog’s new chew toy.

“I once bought shoes where one shoe was smaller than the other.”

Laugh out loud. Now that’s just bad service.

The Cure: Know your feet! Different types of feet feel more comfortable for specific shoe types i.e. feet with high arches require shoes with more cushioning and flat feet need aid with stability and motion control.

A couple of tips: buy covered shoes half a size bigger to give the toes more wiggle room but get your peep-toe shoes at just the right size so the toes don’t curl over the top.

2. Blisters: A bubble of fluid on the skin’s surface usually caused by intense friction.

Source: Flickr

After gleefully sacrificing (hefty) cash for slinky new kicks, no girl can wait a minute longer than to pry out fresh pairs of walkers from their boxes and wear them out on a walk. But alas, what I assumed were cushy toe corners and gentle ankle huggers were really bear traps in disguise.

When I painfully remove my feet from their oppressors, they looked like they went through hell. And by hell, I mean they were gnarled with pale-looking boils, threatening to burst open with every gentle prod. My feet were maimed and shoes became my least favourite accessory. Well at least for a while.

“I was wearing summer sandals; the ones with the thin strap around the ankles and one more over the toes. They were from a very reputable shoe brand so I didn’t have to think twice about wearing them out but the straps cut into my ankles and left raw skin the size of a 10-cent coin.”


The Cure: Blisters are caused by ill-fitting shoes that are either too tight or oddly misshapen and causes friction on the skin when rubbed against it. Before you fall victim to this nasty shoe trap, take caution by using a protective layer of padding to cushion the feet.

Other rumoured DIY methods are to apply talcum powder on the skin or rubbing vaseline on the ankle rim of leather and patent leather shoes to soften for a couple of days.

3. “Crocodiling”: When the soles tear away from the shoe.

This worst-case-scenario happens far too often. In fact, it happens to most wedges I wear. I don’t know if the ones I buy are held together by blu-tac but Murphy’s Law always comes into play when you least expect it.

“Just the other day when I was on my way to a presentation, my olive wedges decided to fall apart while walking along the road. I could do nothing except run back to my office to grab a pair of spare shoes as the loose soles clacked loudly against my heels. All I could find was a pair of flip flops that looked absolutely ravishing with my get-up.”

The Cure: If they’re your favourite pair, get them to a cobbler ASAP! Otherwise, you can try this neat DIY trick: shoe goo! They’re like super glue, but for shoes.

Alternatively, you could get shoes that were specially treated to avoid “crocodiling”. ECCO Shoes are bonded using special technology so they’ll never flap loose – they’re injected with liquid polyurethane, forming a watertight seal between the shoe and sole without glue or stitching.

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4. Wear & Tear: Self-explanatory. Throw them away.

Source: Flickr

At 23, I doubt it’s socially acceptable, or hygienic even, to keep a pair of favourite flats or heels in my shoe cupboard forever. Picture this: your coral ballet flats from six years ago are already looking like a bundle of rejected peaches from the wet market. Don’t be a hoarder and quickly dispose of that, ya nasty! Clearly, you have issues of letting go. There’s only so much sentimental value a soddy pair of shoes can hold. It’s also a clear sign to go shoe shopping!

“I was walking outside the White House trying to find Obama. Then it started to rain heavily and it started to flood. So I waded through ankle deep waters; shoes got soaked and the sides broke.”

The Cure: Repeat: Throw them away. Go shoe shopping!

5. Too Many Shoes: How do you pick THE ONE?

Source: Flickr

I love travelling but if there’s one thing I loathe in the preparation process is packing my luggage which is nothing more than a Tetris game to complete. Unfortunately, I can’t travel with my entire shoe cabinet and I’m left to do a schoolyard pick. I also go through a serious thought process as follows:

“I’ll pack my flip flops for the beach and grab my walking shoes before I head out. But wait! What if I feel like going for a run? There’s a 3% chance of that happening but it’s going in the bag “just in case.” … Also, what if I need to dress up to go to a nice restaurant? Which stilettos do I wear? Do I wear black or white? Or red? How about nude … Oh dear, why do I only have one pair of feet?”

It’s a chronic headache.

The Cure: To either get one omnipotent pair of shoes or grow 12 pairs of feet.

Versatile Shoes You Can Trust

By now, you must be nodding your head in agreement. These shoe nightmares plague every shoeaholic and thank heavens they all come with a happy ending. Wardrobe malfunctions are never our best moments but should any of these befall you again, they’re a perfect excuse to run off shopping.

Source: Photos courtesy of ECCO Shoes

Shoes from ECCO combine style and comfort in their ranges. From flats to wedges, sandals to walking shoes, each shoe type is integrated with top-notch technology to provide the best walkers for you. ECCO’s style is inspired by the Scandinavian lifestyle of multi-faceted landscapes that is reflected in their shoe designs and colours. With ECCO, your shoe nightmares are a thing of the past.

Share the article on Facebook, hashtag #eccosg and receive a $20 e-voucher PLUS a chance to win up to S$1,000 worth of ECCO shopping vouchers. Set your post to public when you share this promotion.

This post was brought to you by ECCO Shoes.

Katherine Arteche

I drink too much coffee and I laugh way too loud.

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