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The Secret Recipe That Sold Over 100 Million BreadTalk Flosss Buns

It’s Flosss, not floss


I recently got the opportunity to observe just how the amazing Flosss buns from BreadTalk (yes it’s spelt with three S’s) were made. BreadTalk was recently awarded Top 1 in the Bakery category under Influential Brands, and we just had to find out the mystery behind their legendary Flosss buns.

I know every BreadTalk has an open-kitchen concept so you might be thinking “Well I too, can go to the nearest BreadTalk and observe how they make the buns. In fact, I already did that upteen times!”

Well put those thoughts away because this time I venture into the central headquarters of BreadTalk to get up close with the head chefs and ask them what exactly makes a good Flosss bun. Now you don’t get to hear that everyday, do you?

b2ap3_thumbnail_flosssbun.jpgAdmit you can’t fight these little loaves of goodness.

Here’s the definitive five-step guide to making that perfect Flosss bun. Although I can’t guarantee that you can make it in your own kitchen, the effort and dedication behind the baking process might help you rationalise the next time you pay $1.70 for a Flosss bun. 


Five steps away from the famed Flosss bun


1. All you knead is dough


Dough is prepared and sent from the central kitchen in BreadTalk IHQ and the bakers get to work, some of them expertly kneading two balls of dough at the same time. 


This is how the buns come to be such perfect ovals. This is also the technique that would take bakers months to master. 


2. Proving itself to be king of all buns in BreadTalk



After the kneaded dough is assembled by the trays, they are sent into a proofing machine to ‘bloom’ or rise. This step can take up to three hours. 


The temperature in the machine is preset and automatically adjusts itself when the dough is left in it. 


3. Bake bun bake!



Buns are sent to the oven after proofing and come out looking like this! Such a lovely hue of golden brown – a fresh and clean canvas ready for some floss! 


4. “The egg cream is the ultimate secret ingredient”


Sorry TSL readers but it looks like BreadTalk’s extremely tight-lipped about what exactly goes into that amazing, addicting spread they slather all over the buns. None of the staff in the bakery knew either, only a couple of phantom egg cream makers in the central kitchen possess the recipe to this clandestine goodness.

They do share with us one thing though. Want to know why every time you sink your teeth into the Flosss bun your lips immediately grease up and the savory scent lingers even after you’re done eating it?


It’s because they first create a slit in the middle of the bun and butter the insides. 


After which the bun is weighed for consistency, and then given a thick coating of egg cream. 


5. Floss, give me floss! 



Floss is also made from BreadTalk’s central kitchen. Before the baker piles it on the bun he preps the floss by tossing them around in the container, and at the same time does a quality check on the floss bits. 


Once the tray of floss has been okay-ed it’s time to drench it all over the bun! 


More, more, give me more! 


Sadly my excitement and greed have been curtailed by the weighing machine. The baker puts the bun back on the weighing machine for the final weigh-in. 


Did you know the BreakTalk floss is for sale?





And we’re ready for business! 



About BreadTalk


It’s been 14 years since we were introduced to these Flosss buns, and since then BreadTalk has sold more than 100 million of them. Typically Flosss buns are made in batches, with quantities varying across different outlets, so that you can get them fresh out of the oven. The process begins at 11:00 am and takes about three to four hours to complete. 

They change up the menu twice a year but of course retain the good ‘ol classics like the Flosss Bun, Sausage Standard, Cheese Sausage, Fire Flosss, Ham & Cheese and Pillow Raisin. Also, you might have noticed that every year during the months of July and August they put out different flavours of Flosss buns on the shelves – this is done on their anniversary as part of a special treat!

You might also be shocked to find out that BreadTalk pays a lot of attention to their cakes and just came up with an entirely new cake collection back in March. With such dedication into research and development, it is no shocker that BreadTalk’s awarded Top 1 in the Bakery category. These little buns haven’t been around for 14 years for nothing!


About Influential Brands


Influential Brands is a consumer insight driven awards programme which provides a platform for brands to celebrate their achievement; for consumers, businesses and stakeholders to recognise the brands’ efforts in arriving where they are today. The study conducted by Influential Brands is purely consumer driven and the Top Brands are selected by consumers through their perception and preference, demonstrating the level of impact and influence of the brands in each consumer’s life.

Influential Brands seeks to identify consumer preferences, their behaviours, values and to understand how the ever-changing environment affects consumer experience in the purchase journey. The programme is tailored to enrich the brands’ relationship with their consumers through ongoing meaningful conversations and engagement.

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This post is part of Influential Brands 2014, where we highlight the most influential brands in Singapore.