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Portable WiFI Router By Changi Recommends Ensures You Never Pay For Expensive Data-Roaming Again

About Changi Recommends’ Wifi Router


One of the many headaches I encounter when travelling overseas is having to figure out a way to stay connected. Sure, local SIM cards exist, and in the case of countries like Australia require complicated sign-up processes. If you’re a frequent traveller, you understand too well the hassle of keeping multiple SIM cards on hand for use in different countries.

I only wish I had heard of Changi Recommends’ new Global Wifi Router earlier. Available at all terminals, these Wifi devices are easily accessible and convenient for any traveller. To connect, all you have to do is connect your device in a similar way to how you would connect to a Wifi point.

Here are 5 reasons why this pocket-sized device will make connectivity a fuss-free affair on your next holiday. 


1. You can connect up to 8 devices 


b2ap3_thumbnail_rsz_outbound_2.jpgThe device can be shared amongst your travel companions, or if you’re a tech junkie you can connect your handphone, laptop, tablet, MP3 device and etc.   


2. You can currently use it in 14 countries 


b2ap3_thumbnail_rsz_countries_outbound.pngThis Global Wifi Router can currently be used in many major popular holiday destinations like Thailand, Hong Kong, Australia and Japan. The device can also be used in major cities in Europe, making it super convenient if you’re planning an Eurotrip holiday. 

For a full list of countries, click here.


3. A much cheaper option compared to data roaming


I’m an M1 customer and data roaming is chargeable at $15 per day. Popular countries like the UK are not part of the list and will incur even higher charges. 

In comparison, the Global Wifi Router is chargeable at only $12 per day for countries like the US, South Korea, Japan, Thailand, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Malaysia, and $25 per day for European countries like Spain, Italy, UK, Germany and France. 

If you’re travelling with friends, this $12 could come down to as low as $3 a day with a group of 4 friends.


4. Simple registration process 


b2ap3_thumbnail_Map.pngAll you need to do is to fill up an online form at least 3 days ahead of departure, receive a confirmation email, and bring it to the respective counters together with your passport and credit card. 

SGD1 (refundable) will be held as authorisation on your credit card to ensure the account validity. Together with your passport, this acknowledges that the device is collected. At the end of your travel, simply return the device and pay up the rents at Changi Recommends counter.

A password is provided on the back of all devices. You simply need to key in that password on your individual devices to get connected.


5. No more connecting to public Wifi 


I know all too well the hassle of having to go to places like Starbucks to leech off their wifi and we’ve all heard the horror stories of connecting to public, unsecured networks. I dislike having an urgent email to respond to and having to camp at the hotel lobby or worse, having to buy some exorbitant Wifi package.

This mobile device enables you to have a secure internet connection on-the-go, making your travels safe and stress-free.  


Try it out yourself! 


b2ap3_thumbnail_rsz_imgp0320.jpgAfter hearing about this Wifi device, I cannot wait to try it out for myself. I’ve been relying on hotel lobby Wifi for the most part and even then the connection is sporadic at best.

This device sounds like a much easier way to have more reliable and constant connection. I have plans to go to Vietnam in the next 6 months and I hope the Global Wifi Device will be usable in Vietnam by then! 

This post was brought to you by Changi Recommends.