5 Dream Companies With The Coolest Offices In Singapore In 2017

Dream Offices in Singapore

We may think of an office as a dull, laughless prison where all that lives and breathes are people glued to their desk from 9 to 5, typing rhythmically on keyboards. Well here’s a reality check. It’s 2017, and that idea of an office is sorely outdated.

Offices all around Singapore have been given the upgrade and we’re here to upgrade your perception too. From deskless work spaces to stunning office layouts, this JobStreet.com survey reveals the top companies Singaporeans aspire to work for.

We visited 5 dream companies you’ll want to send in your resume to:

1. DBS
2. Google
3. Changi Airport Group
4. Microsoft
5. Facebook

1. DBS

First Impressions

If we could come up with one word for the DBS Asia X (DAX) office in Sandcrawler Building, it would be bold. Everything here – from the kaleidoscopic tunnel we walked through to the giant Lego blocks scattered around the office – screamed ideas and daring to be different.

Giant Lego blocks definitely make for a different kind of office chair

Great things have come out of this idea space and they lined our path as we entered the office, like banking chatbots and virtual customer service officers.

Work Spaces

With the lively and fast-paced environment, it was obvious that the DAX office took their cues from start-up culture. Post-its brightened the place with a multi-coloured frenzy, while project groups, featuring DBS staff from different departments, were seated together in a roundtable manner – perfect for the impromptu scrumming or brainstorming session.

Cafes & Pantries

Props for the architecture that was well-thought down to the detail. The inverted gardens in their pantry were not only visually stunning but also set up to give an impression of things not playing by the rules – something every design thinker should challenge themselves to do.

You’re wrong if you think interns are simply full-time coffee mules or paper scanners. The interns at DAX are part of the UNI.CORN Management Internship programme and they work in groups to devise prototype solutions, with a majority being tested and implemented within the bank.

A ping pong table for some R&R time

DBS Marina Bay Financial Centre

We also paid a visit to DBS’ office in Marina Bay Financial Centre. The vibe here was all wood panels and greenery – completely different from the casual and colourful culture at DAX, but calming and conducive all the same.

Employees can grab a cuppa from the office’s very own Starbucks (staff discounts included!), before settling down in this Japanese-inspired hut for an afternoon of productivity.

Check out the latest DBS jobs on offer here!

2. Google

First Impressions

With chill tunes emanating from its speakers and high ceilings overhead, a step into Google was a literal step into the ultimate workplace.

Google definitely takes first impressions seriously, with its lobby decorations following a monthly theme. It was Pride Month when we visited, so rainbow colours and the Google pride symbols greeted us as we entered.

The entire Google office was all high ceilings with no clear level demarcations. This made the whole office appear as one cohesive block, rather than a disjointed collection of different floors.

Work Spaces

Switch on productivity mode at cafes scattered around the office

Google adopts a hybrid model when it comes to their working concept. Departments can choose whether to hot desk or adopt a fixed desk format in line with their needs and requirements – for example, engineers keep to their desks, while the sales team adopts a plug-and-play concept that makes use of all the office’s open working spaces.

Fixed working hours are also unheard of here. Googlers are welcome to work from home – but with an office like this, we’d imagine coming to work beats a day cooped up at home for sure.

Tons of kampong spirit here! Google departments are sorted according to real Singaporean neighbourhoods.

Google’s very own YouTube space – complete with its own micro-kitchen!

Cafes & Micro-Kitchens

The Google office has 2 resident coffee bars serving up the freshest brews for caffeine deprived Googlers all day long.

The cafes were whipping out strawberry lattes and pink cupholders for Pride Month!

Fully stocked micro-kitchens are scattered all around the office for a grab-and-go treat

Breakfast buffets at Trattoria!

The food perks don’t just stop here. There are 2 major food spaces and get this: buffets are open to all employees for free. Start your morning right with a healthy Mediterranean breakfast from Trattoria, before stopping by Shiok – the main lunch area serving up an international buffet and desserts – for a hearty local lunch.

Suspended bird cages in Shiok add an old world charm

Employees congregate at Shiok for their Friday get-togethers where founders Larry and Sergey appear through a live feed, before dispersing for a Friday night pint in the Games Room.

Wellness Corner

Google’s Wellness Area also houses massage rooms and nail parlours – a perfect pick-me-up after a long day of work. These aren’t free of course, but staff get discounts on these first class services. Sign us up!

3. Changi Airport Group

First Impressions

The moment we walked down the office’s long, lighted hallway to its incredibly spacious lobby, we knew this was an office with some legit interior design.

Cafes & Pantries

If we could sum the entire office up in one word, it would definitely not be plane. Potted plants and vertical gardens created a soothing environment we knew would cut the stress level of any frazzled employee.

Forget Around the World in 80 Days – with the office laid out according to the cities of the world, you can take a trip round the world in less than 80 minutes. Grab a cuppa at the Big Apple Bistro in the North America Zone before having an impromptu meeting at a coworking space in the Europe zone.

The Euro Skylight Cafe is a favourite among employees for its dramatic skylight and floods of natural lighting. The cafe also doubles as a place to wind down, with a paludarium on one side emitting calming water sounds – not to mention the free vending machine food as an added bonus!

Work Spaces

No stereotypical pigeonhole desks here. Departments are not closed off from one another ala separate rooms or even floors. Rather, the entire office only takes up 1 floor with sections divided visually, creating an impression of greater openness.

CAG employees are free to vote on how they wish to make use of the coworking space in their zone, either by adding bean bags, one-upping it with writable walls and couches, or even transforming it into this mini amphitheatre.

Additional Employee Perks

It’s not all work and no play either – the monthly “Fun Fridays” sees the whole office come together to bond over small bites and themed activities. Cheesy pick-up lines during Valentine’s Day, anyone?

Individual teams also organize a 3D2N local or overseas bonding activity every year, boosting morale and giving employees a well-deserved break.

Employees also experience the joy of giving back through CAG’s in-house Corporate Social Responsibility programmes organized by the Changi Foundation. Here, you’ll work with NorthLight School, selecting from a range of programmes like football training and job-readiness workshops to give back to society.

4. Microsoft

First Impressions

At first glance, the sleek layout of Microsoft’s Singapore office is everything you’d expect from a multinational tech company – and more. Here, no one owns a desk – hot desking and collaborative work spaces are the order of day.

Work Spaces

The culture at Microsoft is an impact-driven one, with flexible working hours where productivity is measured by the work you do and the results produced, rather than simply reporting to work on a daily basis.

A seminar-style meeting room decked out with huge electronic screens for video conferences

Microsoft is the future of offices: everything is paperless, electronic and connected wirelessly.

Not being bound by a desk also has its perks – there’s a lot more mobility and face-to-face interaction, giving employees tons of opportunities to interact.

The Microsoft office is also a hugely versatile place that keeps changing based on employee votes – plus points for the office’s receptiveness to employee feedback!

Cool Toys

Many groundbreaking inventions are tucked away in the office, like this nifty facial recognition application that can track your age, gender and mood.

Leaving our mark on one of Microsoft’s Surface Hubs, a whiteboard-sized team collaboration device with touch screen, inking and camera functions.

A new use for your Kinect: virtual try-ons while online shopping!

Additional Employee Perks

Gamers rejoice! Not only do Microsoft staff get to try their hand at newest products before they hit the shelves, they can also score discounts on various Microsoft products. For example, employees can purchase the Xbox Gold membership at only $15 (U.P. $100)!

5. Facebook

First Impressions

Image credit: Facebook

Facebook is perhaps best characterized by its signature blue colour but one thing’s for sure: with an office like this, there’ll be no Monday blues.

Image credit: Facebook

The first thing that greets you upon entering is their Write Something Wall, where employees and guests can leave their mark. And of course, unleash your long-suppressed doodle aspirations.

Work Spaces

Image credit: Facebook

Clean and bright open spaces dominate the office. The place exudes a stylish warehouse feel with its unfinished ceilings and exposed pipings, designed intentionally to remind employees that Facebook is only 1% done and still has a long way to go.

Image credit: Facebook

Definitely no 9-to-5 here. The company has a flexible working schedule that allows employees to adjust their work days according to their personal priorities.

Cafes & Pantries

Image credit: Facebook

Image credit: Facebook

There are also a ton of social spaces to chill out at with colleagues. Grab a pint from the Beer Garden before playing a few rounds of arcade games – a great recharge for the week ahead.

Additional Employee Perks

Perks at Facebook are an accurate reflection of employee needs, so much so the office also has a Mother’s room for working mothers.

You shouldn’t have to choose between going to work and your fitspo lifestyle – and that’s why Facebook has also started a health initiative Health@Challenge, which encourages employees to incorporate exercise and wellness into their daily activities.

New employees to Facebook won’t end up being lost sheep either. Newcomers will join Facebook’s New Hire Onboarding, where they’ll hear from Senior Leaders about their vision for the future, learning about Facebook’s values and philosophies and engaging in discussions.

21st Century Offices

Good news for all job-seeking millennials: just having a swanky physical appearance isn’t enough in this day and age. Offices have upped their game with enticing staff benefits and initiatives to draw in the best talent.

Openness and collaboration are key, and this is certainly evident in each company’s initiatives to promote work-life integration, breathing life into the office space and creating an enjoyable – and easily, dreamy – work experience. Chase your dreams and hunt down these dream jobs ASAP. Your future self will thank you for it.

Bonus: Media Jobs At TheSmartLocal!

And now for a bit of “ownself say ownself”, because coincidentally, we just opened a few positions! Our office is nowhere near as fancy as these companies here, but we’re just 4 years old and we’re the only media company on this list!

Our editorial team ideating in our chill area which looks more like a Korean TV drama set.

One of our three studios in the office for filming and shoots.

Score a spot in your perfect office with JobStreet.com

With cool offices of course, comes a ton of competition. Save yourself the stress by creating a personal profile on JobStreet.com.

You can’t go wrong with the most trusted job site in Singapore. Simply set up your professional profile on site and wait for the stream of employers to come to you. You’ll also be able to match your qualifications with your preferences easily. Conduct specific searches for jobs based on these matches and take your pick from a slew of suitable jobs on your personal page.

Don’t settle for any 9-to-5 desk job you can lay your hands on. In the true spirit of you only live once, secure yourself that dream job of a lifetime!

Find your dream job with JobStreet.com here!

This post was brought to you by JobStreet.com.

Gwendolyn Lovina Oh

If HDBs had a fireplace, you'd find Gwen curled up there under a mountain of soft toys, clutching a good book and binging on ice gems. The top of a rollercoaster or a horror movie showing are good places to find her too.

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