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Dog-friendly hiking trails

6 Dog-Friendly Hiking Trails In Singapore For Good Doggos Who Deserve More Than Your Neighbourhood Park

Dog hiking trails in Singapore

Dog-friendly hiking trails
Image adapted from: @stonmaster_general and @vaporthegoldie

Like many dog owners, my idea of a walk is a lazy 10-minute stroll around a nearby field. And because my 2 doggos are toy-sized and pee pad-trained, they sometimes go days without even stepping paw in the outside world. 

But that shouldn’t be the case. 

Even if we don’t have the luxury of wilderness camping and scenic road trips, Singapore still has its fair share of hiking trails. For those good dogs who deserve more than your regular neighbourhood park, here are 6 dog-friendly hiking trails in Singapore with hidden beaches and forest trails.

Try these for more quality time with your dog:

1. The Green Corridor – abandoned railway tracks & 10KM trail 

The Green Corridor
Image credit: @vaporthegoldie

Not many hiking trails boast an abandoned railway trail and endless stretch of greenery, but that’s exactly what The Green Corridor is known for. Once a working railway line that connected the old Tanjong Pagar station to Kuala Lumpur, this is now a popular dog-friendly hiking trail for its leafy foliage and empty walking trails. 

The Green Corridor
Image credit: @abbythemongrel

While there are plenty of photo spots, you’ll also see tons of interesting artefacts along the way like old electrical boxes and abandoned railway sleepers. There’s also a 10KM running route that’s completely uninterrupted, perfect for those looking for a break from civilisation. 

Since it gets a bit muggy, remember to bring mosquito repellant for both you and your dogs – remember to choose either non-toxic homemade bug sprays or a pet-safe one you picked up from your pet store! 

2. The Southern Ridges – canopy walk & hilly parks

The Southern Ridges
Image credit: @jt_jaydentan

Always a popular walking trail in Singapore, The Southern Ridges has plenty to explore. It’ll take you a good 4 to 5 hours to fully explore it all, since you’ll be strolling through Henderson Waves, Forest Walk, and Canopy Walk. 

The Southern Ridges
Image credit: @vaporthegoldie

With paved footpaths and man-made bridges, it’s easy enough to walk but if you’ve got a small doggo, make sure his paws don’t get stuck in the wooden floorboards of Henderson Waves. It’s also the highest pedestrian bridge in Singapore at 36M-high, so those scared of heights wouldn’t want to stand too close to the edge. 

The Southern Ridges is known to be close to Mount Faber but you might eventually find yourself in Hort Park, Kent Ridge Park, Telok Blangah Hill Park, or even Labrador Nature Reserve. 

3. Coney Island – hidden beaches & boardwalks

Coney Island
Image credit: @stonmaster_general

For those looking for a reprieve from clustered skyscrapers and jammed highways, Coney Island is an easy choice for its secret beaches and boardwalks. There isn’t a specific trail you should take, but make sure to save the entire afternoon so you can fully explore the island. 

Chances are, you’ll be ambling leisurely through but bring plenty of water and treats since there aren’t any shops or even a bathroom available. If your dog’s not up for a full-day walk, you can also rent special bicycles that have a makeshift carriage for approximately $12/hour

Coney Island
Image credit: Polar The Curious

You might want to stay to see the sunset but opening hours are strictly from 7AM-7PM. The gates reportedly close then and it might be a lil’ tricky lugging your pup and bicycle over. 

4. Bukit Brown Cemetery – rainforest foliage & small creeks 

Bukit Brown Cemetery
Image credit: @annafucius

A cemetery might not be on your list of weekend go-to spots, but Bukit Brown Cemetery is a gem – for its untouched greenery and winding lanes. You can certainly bring your dogs out here, but do be wary of stray dogs that often travel together in packs. If you see them, avoid making any contact as they might get aggressive. 

Bukit Brown Cemetery
Image credit: @lilianparkerkaule

You might even spot the occasional horse, with riders coming from Singapore Polo Club or the National Equestrian Centre. No matter how morbid a trip here might seem, it also makes for an interesting experience to wander through.

5. Sengkang Riverside Park – mangrove & fruit tree walk 

Sengkang Riverside Park
Image credit: @sillyskippydoo

For any bored dog who’s spent too long cooped up at home, an afternoon out at Sengkang Riverside Park is bound to be memorable. With rolling hills of green here, be sure to bring a frisbee or tennis ball to get your dog moving. There’s also a Fruit Tree Trail featuring 16 tropical fruit trees, with local fruits like starfruit, chiku, and dragonfruit. 

Sengkang Riverside Park
Image credit: @nutbeygumbeanbeeger

Those who get peckish after their walk might want to head to the Mushroom Cafe – it’s not dog-friendly but you can take away meals like their Chicken Stew ($5.50) or Mee Rebus ($4.50).

6. Zhenghua Park – bird watching & weekly dog meet-ups

Zhenghua Park
Image credit: @b.arjanto

Although mere minutes away from Bukit Panjang, stepping into Zhenghua Park feels like you’re entering a tranquil patch of nature – one of the few untouched areas left in Singapore. Admittedly, you’re surrounded by the BKE and KJE but all sounds of traffic are lost when you’re trudging your way through. 

If you’re still and silent, you might even catch a glimpse of flameback woodpeckers and long-tailed parakeets. 

Zhenghua Park
Image credit: @nie_n_milobaby

Most walkways and stairs are paved, but of course, you can also venture off the beaten tracks. Certain dog groups hold walks in the area too, like a weekly Sunday stroll held by Zhenghua Youth Network

Dog-friendly hiking trails in Singapore

Dog-friendly hiking trails - Coney Island
Coney Island – a popular place for dog meetups
Image credit: @uni_theblueeyedgirl

With their constant eagerness to please and puppy dog eyes that we can’t say no to, dogs are 100% truly our best friends. Don’t limit them to enclosed dog runs and nearby neighbourhood parks. Instead, bring them out to these dog hiking trails in Singapore – they’re the perfect reward for all good doggos.