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7 Edible Valentine’s Day Bouquets In Singapore For Your Foodie Girlfriend

Bouquets you can actually eat


food bouquet

Roses are red, violets are blue, but has anyone ever gotten a fried chicken bouquet for you? Valentine’s Day is around the corner, and flowers are the traditional gift of choice. But we are millennials, after all. Tradition just doesn’t cut it for us.

If you’re looking for something different this Valentine’s Day, we’ve found these 9 edible bouquets that are more than just a feast for the eyes.


1. Churros bouquet


churros bouquet

Image credit: Churros Factory Sg

Affectionately and humorously known as a bouquet of “churroses”, this delicious bunch can be ordered from The Churros Factory from $28. The churros are baked into the shapes of flowers and take some time to prepare, so you’ll need to order them 2-3 days in advance!



2. Vegetable bouquet


vegetable bouquet

Image credit: Lavee The Florist JB

A V-day cuisine involves plenty of wine. This $78 bouquet from Lavee The Florist can help to offset some of that damage to your health, because the fresh veggies can be cooked for a healthy meal after you surprise your girlfriend with this wholesome bouquet!

veggie bouquet

Image credit: JW Florist

Other advocates of healthy living include JW Florist and Floral Garage Singapore, and their bouquets start from $49.


3. Macaron heart bouquet


macaron bouquet

Image credit: The Frosted Chick

Show your partner how sweet you are with a bouquet of these heart-shaped macaroons. These come in both pink and red, and you can get them from The Frosted Chick along with a filling of your choice, such as white chocolate or lychee buttercream. Prices start at $50.



4. Fried chicken and waffles bouquet


fried chicken bouquet

Image credit: The Beast

This $38 bouquet from The Beast will definitely satisfy your cravings for fried chicken, and it’s even accompanied by a light cornbread waffle. For an added touch of romance, the bouquet is decorated with baby’s breath, and a tag that says: “I’m so clucky to have you.” If that’s not punny enough, you can also choose between “You are impeckable” or even “I clucking love you’’. 

While the cafe itself doesn’t do deliveries, they’ve partnered up with honestbee which will bring the bouquet to you!

chicken wing bouquet

Image credit: Petalfoo

Alternatively, you can check out florists like Petalfoo or Laveetheflorist, which also do variations of delicious fried chicken in bouquet form.


5. Chocolate bouquet


chocolate bouquet

Image credit: Singapore Florist

If you can’t decide between chocolate and flowers, get this two-in-one bouquet from Singapore Florist from $78. Orders can be made on their website, and there are plenty of variations you can choose from, including one with a pair of teddy bears

chocolate strawberry bouquet

Image credit: Rainbowly

Shops like Gifts Florist, Candy Buffet and BTFlorist also sell Ferrero Rocher bouquets. Alternatively, you can pick up a bouquet of chocolate covered strawberries from Rainbowly, for $69.


6. Old Chang Kee skewer bouquet


old chang kee bouquet

Image credit: Petalfoo

While not exactly a traditional declaration of love, these skewered goodies from the popular F&B chain makes for a savoury bouquet. Don’t worry, they won’t come wrapped in plastic bags.

You can get this from Petalfoo for $70, which also does customised bouquets with other unconventional items, including clay roses, polaroids and even men’s ties!



7. Cake pop bouquet


cake bouquet

Image credit: Sensational Cakes

If she likes baked goods, pretty things and wants something different this Valentine’s day, good news, because she can now have her cake and eat it too. These adorable cake pops come in bouquet form and can be ordered from local bakery Sensational Cakes.

Each cake pop bouquet is customised, so prices depend your order.



Edible bouquets you can get in Singapore for V-day 2018


Roses, chocolates, dinner dates – that’s the standard Vday starter pack. But this year, surprise your partner and her taste buds with these edible bouquets. After all, there’s no better way to please a girl than with food.