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Home Fountains in Singapore

About Home Fountain

Home Fountain is a company that was founded in 1996 by an interior designer, Richard Ho who has a special interest to provide décor pieces in the form of table fountains and statues to complement the living space of the home or the office environment.


Many pieces are designed personally by him and therefore are the only pieces available. Custom made table and floor fountains are also available. Home Fountain probably has the most comprehensive range of fountains in Singapore covering nature themes as well as religious ones to cater to our multi-racial country.

After-service Support:

The most important issue is the fact that there is excellent service support when it comes to changing fountain lights or pumps as these are readily stocked for customers to purchase when necessary. The high quality material used in the fabrication of these fountains and statues attest to the perfectionist standard of the designer and manufacturer himself.


Visit our showroom today!

Incidentally, he has 30 years of interior designing experience and a huge portfolio to showcase of past projects be it home, office, restaurants or salons. Customers are most welcomed to patronise his showroom at 470 Serangoon Road. Items may be cash and carried or delivered at a small charge. Installation of the fountain is easy.


Fountains not only provide the soothing atmosphere of cascading water, they give the space a character and add humidity to a dry air-conditioned room.

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Boy and girl at the fountain

For more information, please contact Richard Ho at 9329 9232 . You may also look for ‘Home Fountain’ on Facebook. They are located at 470 Serangoon Road, Singapore 218143 and open from 10am to 8pm daily.


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