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mount faber guide

Mount Faber – Hiking Trail With Harbour Views, Singapore’s “Most Scenic Washroom” & Rainbow Stairs

Mount Faber guide

“The cable car place? Go before la!” might be your reaction to the idea of visiting Mount Faber

Not just a pit stop to get to Sentosa, Mount Faber offers one of the highest vantage points we have on our little island. Many of us would have mistaken it as an actual mountain as kids – standing at 106M-tall, it’s nevertheless a scenic hill that offers sweeping vistas of the CBD and Harbourfront. 

Below is a quick guide to the nature park that might inspire a revisit:

Hike to the top of Mount Faber Peak for panoramic views

sunset walking trail
Image credit:

Spending time cooped up at home is sure to get us itching to head outside – it’s no wonder that many of us have gone nuts over hiking and cycling trails. If you’re looking for one with breathtaking scenery to boot, add Mount Faber to your list of weekend to-dos. 

faber peak lookout
Faber Point Lookout

mount faber singapore
Image credit: @lifeofpoo

You can hike to the top of Mount Faber from the bottom of the hill via Marang Trail, which lies near Harbourfront Exit D. From there, it’s about a short 800M walk to the highest peak of Faber Point. 

Alternatively, start from the nearby Henderson Waves and cut through Faber Point*. Both of these routes offer well-paved paths taking you through a thicket of trees, with panoramic lookout points along the way.

* Faber Point is closed for improvement works until 30th September 2021.

mount faber singapore - cycling
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If walking isn’t your thing, there’s also the option of cycling to the top or driving up. At the peak, plenty of attractions await:

Rainbow staircases and wishing bells

mount faber singapore - Rainbow staircases Image credit: @jiawentanx

The iconic cable cars we all confirm know about aside, there are also IG-worthy photo ops including a flight of colourful rainbow staircases (gated during Phase 2 Heightened Alert) and Poland’s Bells of Happiness – a pair of wishing bells that were gifted from, well, Poland. 

One of the bells dates all the way back to 1909, and legend says if you ring these your wishes will come true! *Pls end Covid-19*

mount faber singapore - Poland’s Bells of Happiness
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While you’re exploring the area, also look out for a mini Merlion Statue and a mural wall that encapsulates Singapore’s history way back from the 14th century.

Take a #2 at a toilet with a view

No better home for a porcelain throne than a toilet with a million-dollar view.

The bathrooms at nature parks don’t often have the best reputation, but you’ll be in for a surprise with Mount Faber Peak’s washroom. Having recently gone viral on TikTok, this is arguably one of the best public toilets in Singapore, with a view of Sentosa and cable cars gliding off into the distance. 


There’s even an official name for this toilet: Peek-A-Loo – though if you ask me, it should be called Peak-A-Loo. Nevertheless, wash up here after your hike up – there’s even a giant mirror for a picture-perfect #OOTD with lots of natural light.

Hilltop restaurants for date night or a unique wedding

mount faber singapore
View from Dusk Restaurant & Bar
Image credit: @bellasakurah

Date ideas don’t come easy but if you’re looking to impress your boo for a special occasion post-P2HA, a restaurant with a view is sure to be the kicker of the night. Enjoy a romantic dinner at either of Mount Faber Peak’s two restaurants, Dusk Restaurant & Bar or Arbora Hilltop Garden & Bistro, both of which are perched over the top of the hill.

mount faber singapore - Arbora
Image credit: Knotties Frame

Should you fall in love with the place, Arbora Hilltop Garden & Bistro is also a quintessential spot for a non-hotel wedding. Sweeping views aside, it also has an alfresco garden perfect for wedding solemnisation. 

* Dine-in and weddings are subject to P2HA restrictions until 13th June 2021.

Visit Mount Faber Singapore

Mount Faber
Image credit:

Singapore may not have sky-high mountains or a vast expanse of national parks, but give Mount Faber a shot if you’re looking for something refreshing to do – it has plenty to offer to satiate the adventurers and aesthetes among us. As usual, sunrise and sunsets are the best time to visit, especially if you’re planning to hike through the nature park.

Mount Faber also lies close to the Southern Ridges, Hort Park and Labrador Nature Reserve, so you can continue through these other parks if you’re up for a long-distance hike.

For more nature guides:

Cover image adapted from: @lifeofpoo,@jiawentanx, @bellasakurah