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graduation to full time job

This Job Site Helps Fresh Grads With No Experience Find Jobs By Skill-Matching Instead

MyCareersFuture job portal

graduation to full time job

Image credit: An Lim

Imagine rocking up to a job interview with a fresh diploma or degree under your belt, bright-eyed and ready to contribute to the workforce with your newly acquired set of skills. But then the unthinkable happens. You get rejected for not fulfilling their “relevant years of experience” requirement…even though you’re literally in your 20s. Nani?!?

Such is the harsh reality of the current job market, but aims to ease the job-hunting woes of fresh grads who have yet to dip their toes into the working world. The smart online portal allows you to highlight your specific strengths and makes use of skill-matching to land you a suitable gig, regardless of your background. Here’s how it works:

Finding a job that matches your skill set

Skill Matching Job Seeking Website
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Sifting through potential jobs in the digital age no longer involves scouring through classified listings in the newspaper, squinting at the tiny details till you go cross-eyed. Simply fill in the criteria form on and be presented with tailored results that fit both your abilities and preferences.

working out of office

Besides getting to select the industry, minimum salary and employment type be it full-time, part-time, flexi-work and so on, you can also toggle the following filters:

Job level: 9 different choices, ranging from entry-level to various executive and management ranks, serve as a guideline so you can apply for suitable positions within your qualifications and experience.

Location: Sorted by each region of Singapore. Great for those who need to plan their commute strategically.

Job posting origin: For those who have a preference when it comes to dealing with recruiters or direct employers.

The added degrees of specificity are a godsend for fresh grads in particular, who are able to eliminate all non-entry level positions at the click of a button. Additionally, you won’t have to fret about your lack of experience because that’s where’s skill-matching capabilities come in handy.

Boost Search Skills My Careers Future Job Seeking App
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The job portal further refines your search results by prompting you to add relevant skills. Let’s say, for instance, my search for Media Jobs yields hundreds of results. That’s obviously an overload of info and choices to plow through, but I can input my own particular set of media-related skills so that only the job openings of which I fit the bill are retained. 

Skill Matching Percentage My Careers Future
There’s also a helpful bar under each of the shortlisted positions, indicating just how good of a match you are with the job in terms of skill set.
Image adapted from:

Unlike some job portals that provide a mechanical and impersonal user experience, is privy to what young jobseekers vibe with. You can tell from their Instagram updates, featuring #relatable references to familiar advertisements that provide a light-hearted break from the stress and tension first-time job hunting can bring.

Workforce Singapore
Image adapted from: @workforcesingapore

At the end of the day, searching for your first-ever proper job is a momentous chapter in your journey to adulting and should be celebrated, not dreaded!

Job opportunities for fresh grads

When your time as a student officially comes to a close, it’s both exhilarating and a tad frightening to be thrust into the grown-up world. 

Graduation Singapore
Image credit: Unsplash

All those years of accumulating skills and knowledge in your chosen field are now ready to back you up as a valued member of the workforce, and a surefire asset to whichever organisation takes you onboard.

Options are aplenty, and a fulfilling lifetime of career satisfaction could very well start with a few clicks of the mouse or a few swipes on your mobile. Who knows, you might stumble upon your dream job in the midst of browsing while on a bus ride or waiting for your bubble tea order!

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This post was brought to you by Workforce Singapore (WSG).