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DBS Has An FOC Financial Planning Service If Your Only Game Plan Is Saving In A 2nd Account

Free Financial Planning For Young Adults


NAC - Your Financial GPS Cover Image, The Smart Local

Adulting can get pretty tough. Starting from the great job hunt to carefully planning for the future, the responsibilities are seemingly endless. But having to get your life together isn’t as daunting as you think – at least with the help of DBS’s latest financial planning initiative, NAV – Your Financial GPS, that’s completely free.

And before the sound of financial responsibility and planning turns you off, here’s why NAV has us sold:


Consultants are not allowed to sell you products


NAV Hub prides itself as Singapore’s first non-sales financial consultancy centre – so there’s no need to worry about being pressured into signing yourself up for a bank plan you’re not comfortable with.

Free consultation with the NAV Crew 

In fact, you don’t need to fork out a single cent: advisory sessions are completely free with no strings attached. Customers will be able to get down to the financial nitty gritty and learn how to carefully plan for the future with tips from the NAV crew.


It’s a convenient one-stop for clueless millennials


NAV Hub Tanjong Pagar

Nestled within a cosy shophouse just a stone’s throw from Duxton Hill, this hole-in-the-wall is far from your typical visit to any ol’ bank. Hip location aside, NAV Hub aims to help young adults from all walks of life.

NAV Hub interior  

Source: DBS

So it doesn’t matter if you’re a clueless rookie who needs help getting started, or someone who just needs a little extra guidance, this place is a go-to for younger people to get the 411 on financial planning – from getting the lowdown on how to buy a home to saving up for your retirement fund.


Sessions are deliberately made easy to understand


Free consultation with NAV crew

We’ll admit: the thought of complex spreadsheets and confounding jargon had us worried prior to our mini consultation session with the good folks at NAV; but to our pleasant surprise – and relief – the pros were able to break down our personal financial needs into a step-by-step process:

  • Money Mindset Quiz
    By starting the session with this Sorting Hat-esque questionnaire – with quirky choices such as the “Impulsive Magpie” who revels in retail therapy, or the sturdy “Status-Quo Settlers” looking for financial independence – we able to get a better understanding of what kind of savers or spenders we were.

    This was also a great way for us to have a quick chat with the NAV crew about our spending habits and lifestyle type.

  • Personalised Financial Health Report
    Through the course of your hour-long consultation, you’d be able to discuss both present and future plans based on your job and aspirations. Customers will also leave with a comprehensive financial health report – fully customised based on their financial positions.

NAV Hub – Your Financial GPS


Interior shot of NAV Hub

Source: DBS

By providing millennials with a relaxed environment and zero obligations, NAV proves itself to be a one-of-a-kind centre for all young adults to kickstart their financial planning journey – complete with the necessary tools and a trusty crew of financial pros who know what’s up.

All you’ll need to do to get started is to head over to NAV’s website, book an appointment, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a full-fledged adult in no time.

Address: 45 Tras Hub, Singapore 078984 (Nearest MRT: Tanjong Pagar) 
Opening Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 11AM-7PM | Saturday, 10AM-5PM

Get started at here

This post was sponsored by DBS but all opinions expressed are our own.