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#DearMe – Christabel Writes A Letter To Her 16-Year-Old Self And It Will Make You Cry

A Letter To The Past


b2ap3_thumbnail_dearme-thumbnail-2.pngIf you could speak to your 16 year old self, what advice would you give? In this latest episode of TheSmartLocalTV’s Pretty Smart, Christabel joins the #DearMe movement sweeping through the internet and pens herself a letter in lieu of International Women’s Day 2015.

Journey with her through the ups and downs of her adolescent years, as she talks about struggles of life abroad and staying in touch with her family. Here’s a word of warning: get your tissues ready!b2ap3_thumbnail_Screen-Grab-1.jpgb2ap3_thumbnail_Screen-Grab-3.jpg

Check out the heartwarming video below.

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