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We Found Out How Much Singaporeans Know About CNY Traditions – Singaporeans Try: Episode 37

CNY Pop Quiz + Smoothie Challenge


A year has passed and it’s Chinese New Year once again. We’re not sure what most people do to prepare, but here in TSL, we were stuffing ourselves with loads of mouth-watering new year goodies. However, simply devouring these goodies from their plastic containers just won’t cut it.

In this episode of Singaporeans Try, we put together a special Pop Quiz to see how well Singaporeans understand Chinese New Year traditions. But as always, we added a twist to it!

We sat four pairs down and gave them a series of CNY-related questions. Each pair had to answer each question correctly to avoid the forfeit of having a CNY snack thrown into the blender ala the Smoothie Challenge. So how much they throw in there depends on how much they know – or didn’t know – about CNY.

We also invited super talented musician, Jana Ann, to partake in the festivities. Will the pairs be able to keep their “drinks” down? Watch the video below for TSL’s version of the Smoothie Challenge, CNY-style!

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