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Telunas Resorts – Secret “Maldives” Near Singapore With Separate Islands For Nua-ing & Beach Activities

2-in-1 beach holiday at Telunas Resorts


Telunas Resorts (1) - Cover collage

There are two kinds of people in this world: the nua-ers and the gung-ho ones – both of whom you’re bound to find in any friend group. And there’s nothing more painful than planning a holiday that would cater to both personality types, if the trip even happens at all.

But there is one place where you can get the best of both worlds: Telunas Resorts. Believe it or not, this Maldives-like island just a 2.5-hour boat ride away from Harbourfront Terminal is the place to both chillax and unleash adventure mode.

Best of all, this secret island ain’t saturated with tourists yet so you won’t have to jostle with throngs of other beach-starved humans.


– Private island –


Telunas Resorts (2) - Beach shoreline

For those who’re desperate for a relaxed, don’t-bother-me getaway, a vacay at Telunas Private Island is the chill pill you’ve been longing for. From mind-numbing spa treatments to frolicking in an infinity pool, here are some things to add to your list of zen things to do:


1. Pamper yourself with an overwater spa experience


Telunas Resorts (3) - Spa jetty

Having endured several excruciating massages, it’s safe to say that I’ve never been a fan of them – cue: horrified gasps of disbelief. But after a 60-minute aromatherapy massage session at Telunas overwater spa, I am now a convert.

Telunas Resorts (4) - Overwater spa

The experience was a soothing full-body massage in an open-air hut overlooking the ocean. After having the knots in your muscles teased out with the sea breeze on your back and falling asleep to the sound of crashing waves, you’ll leave with a rejuvenated soul.

Telunas Resorts (5) - Rest pods

Besides aromatherapy, you’ll also be spoilt for choice with a myriad of spa treatments to choose from, including Balinese massage, foot massage, a 30-minute salt body scrub, and a 30-minute milk body mask.

Price: from IDR 375,000++ (~S$40)


2. Sip on a cocktail at the Sand Bar


Telunas Resorts (6) - Sand Bar cocktails

The Sand Bar – a rustic poolside hideout complete with cosy sofas and a sandy ground – is the perfect spot to unwind in-between meals. Just one glance at their impressive cocktail menu and we’d immediately zoomed in on the Smokey Pineapple-tini and Frozen Margarita cocktails (IDR 120,000++, ~S$12 each).

Telunas Resorts (7) - Cocktail pouring

Yaas. Werk that Pineapple-tini.

Besides their tropical cocktail creations, they also have a selection of red, white, and sparkling wines, and if you’re not one for booze, opt for their non-alcoholic mocktails!

Opening hours: 11AM – 9PM

Price: from IDR 80,000++ (~$S8) per drink


3. Chill in an infinity pool overlooking the ocean


Telunas Resorts (8) - Infinity pool

An infinity pool overlooking the ocean? A sign of paradise.

If you’re not a confident swimmer in the ocean but still want to put your swimwear to good use, take a dip in their freshwater infinity pool and bask in this awe-inspiring view of the glittery sea and rolling hills. Don’t forget to get your “look-at-me-I’m-in-paradise” shot for the ‘gram!

Price: Free


4. Feast on specially curated daily menus


Telunas Resorts (9) - Indonesian lunch

Our Indonesian lunch upon arrival

They say that you should eat like a king for breakfast, and eat like kings we did – during every meal.

The Private Island’s kitchen serves up specially curated and delicious 3-course meals daily. While our lunches and dinners were something of a fine-dining experience, breakfast featured a buffet spread in addition to a la carte breakfast. What diet?

Price (per adult): IDR 850,000++ (~S$90) for three meals per day
Price (per child): IDR 350,000++ (~S$40) for three meals per day


5. Live the high life in a luxurious overwater villa


Telunas Resorts (10) - Overwater villas

The private island experience is nothing short of a luxurious tai-tai vacay, and even your sleeping quarters will look like it’s set up for royalty.

Stay in a beautiful two-storey overwater villa complete with a living room, a master bedroom facing the ocean, and two single beds on the upper level.

Telunas Resorts (11) - Private balcony

You’ll even have a huge private balcony perfect for some morning meditation or to just take in the vast open ocean before you. I certainly spent too much time sitting here and admiring the view.

Telunas Resorts (12) - Villa interior

Check out the villa’s rustic interior – it even has a ladder leading up to the 2nd floor!

Telunas Resorts (13) - Bedroom interior

A king-size bed fit for, well, a king.

Telunas Resorts (14) - Villa entrance

The entrance to our lavish abode

Price: From IDR 2,950,000++ (~S$295) per night* for 2 pax. Additional charges (IDR 750,000++ for adult, IDR 450,000++ for children, dining costs excluded) will apply for occupants up to 5 pax.

*Note: Minimum stay of 2 nights


– Beach Resort –


Telunas Resorts (15) - Beach resort

For those who simply “cannot sit still”, the Beach Resort is where you can sate your appetite for adventure. Here, you’ll find yourself pumped on adrenaline running from one activity to another, and we guarantee you’ll be all adventure-d out by the end of your stay!


1. Go kayaking in the ocean


Telunas Resorts (16) - Kayaking

If you’ve always wanted to paddle in some clear turquoise waters without having to compete with a thousand other people in the ocean, this is your chance at a serene kayaking experience.

Rent a kayak at around 5-6PM during high tide and live your dreams of rowing straight into the sunset – cue: romantic violins in the background.

Thrill-seekers, you can even take your kayak through their local mangroves or paddle across the ocean to the Private Island. Best of all, rentals are free at any time of the day for Private Island guests!

Price (for Private Island guests): Free
Price (for Beach Resort guests): from IDR 125,000++ (~S$13 per person)


2. Go on a 10km jungle hike and jump off a cliff into a waterfall


Telunas Resorts (17) - Jungle hike

PSA: Apply insect repellent. Smother it on.

Compared to our beloved MacRitchie treetop walk, this jungle hike is far from a walk in the park. But if you’re game for a hardcore trek off the beaten path (literally), delve into this guided 10km trek through the untouched jungles of Telunas.

We boarded a boat that took us through a scenic 20-minute ride through some mangrove forests and alighted at the starting point of our hike. 1 hour, 5km, and a dozen mozzie bites later, we found ourselves standing at the bottom of a glorious, gushing waterfall.

Telunas Resorts (18) - Waterfall view

Though the waters seemed a dubious inky black from afar, they looked incredibly inviting after a 5km hike and we didn’t hesitate to jump straight into this refreshing “black pool” in our hiking gear.

Telunas Resorts (19) - Waterfall jump

If you like living your life on the edge, you can also dive into the water from the waterfall’s 3 different cliff edges! But if you’re kia si (scared to die) like me, you can just swim around or sit by the rocks and get a free fish spa from tiny feet-nibbling fish.

Note: Book your guided jungle-waterfall trek before 2PM the day before for arrangements to be made!

Price (for Private Island guests): Free
Price (for Beach Resort guests): IDR 250,000++ (~S$26) per person


3. Jump off a 7-meter high dock tower


Telunas Resorts (20) - Dock tower jump

As someone who isn’t inclined to making life-endangering decisions, jumping off this 7-meter dock into the ocean seemed like a safer option than hurling myself off a cliff with rocks lining the bottom.

Take the leap of faith without thinking twice. Plus, it sure helps if you’re doing it with a group of friends!

Note: We recommend not doing this if you’re not a strong swimmer as life vests won’t be provided for safety reasons.

Price: Free


4. Go fishing on the dock


Telunas Resorts (21) - Dock fishing

Besides hurling yourself into the open sea, you can also have a rather chilled out time doing some casual fishing on this dock. You might even get to fry and eat your catch if you get lucky (and if it’s not poisonous)!

Price: Free


5. Challenge yourself to a low ropes course


Telunas Resorts (22) - Low ropes course

Me hanging on for dear life

This low ropes course will inevitably give you flashbacks of secondary school camp days – this time, I wondered why I willingly subjected myself to such treacherous activities.

With 7 different obstacle courses featuring low suspended ropes to conquer, you’ll literally be “holdin’ on a rope got me [one meter] off the ground”. In the words of our guide, “it looks easier than it is” and boy was she right.

To make this course more thrilling, challenge your friends to American Ninja Warrior (ropes version) by trying to beat each others’ timings – provided you don’t fall off first!

Telunas Resorts (23) - Whale-watching platform

In addition to the ropes, there are also other obstacle stations to conquer such as the “whale watching platform” where you have to bring this see-saw like plank to equilibrium, and one – fittingly dubbed “Tarzan” – where you’ll have to swing from one platform to another using a rope.

Note: This activity is available for Beach Resort and Private Island guests.

Price: Free


6. Dive into buffet-style dining, 3 meals a day


Telunas Resorts (24) - Breakfast buffet

You know you’re a born and bred Singaporean if your ears automatically perk up at the mention of “buffet”. At Telunas Beach Resorts, your ears will do a jig come meal time as all meals are served buffet-style.

We were served a hearty spread of Indonesian food like Soto Ayam, Braised Beef, and Ondeh Ondeh for lunch and dinner, and Continental buffet breakfast including French Toast, Omelettes, and cereal.

Price (for adults): IDR 550,000++ (~S$60) for 3 meals a day
Price (for children): IDR 250,000++ (~S$30) for 3 meals a day


7. Stay in a rustic chalet on stilts


Telunas Resorts (25) - Chalet on stilts

Unlike the luxurious villas on the Private Island, the Beach Resort features more modest living quarters. But even at a lower cost, these private rooms over stilts still provide a comfortable stay.

Telunas Resorts (26) - Bedroom interior

Telunas Resorts (27) - Bunk bed interior

These spacious rooms house a queen-sized bed behind a door that opens up to your very own lil’ balcony facing the ocean. Plus, it has cute wooden bunk beds to accommodate a larger group!

Price: Chalets from IDR 1,150,000++ (~S$115) a night* for 2 pax, with max capacity of 5 pax. Additional charges (IDR 500,000++ for adult, IDR 200,000++ for children, dining costs excluded) will apply for occupants up to 5 pax.

*Note: Minimum stay of 2 nights


Go off-the-grid with nada internet connection


Sure, home is where the WiFi connects, but an authentic island escapade is where the WiFi doesn’t exist. Even though we were initially slightly apprehensive (okay, freaking out) about the island’s non-existent internet connection, we found ourselves totally consumed by all the sights and sounds and things to do that we simply forgot about falling off of the grid.

If you have that one friend or SO who simply can’t put his/her phone down, this island experience will guarantee that you won’t have to fight for their attention.


Private Island vs. Beach resort


Telunas Resorts (28) - Private island accommodation

Private Island accommodations at Telunas

Telunas Resorts offers two vastly distinct experiences at the Private Island and Beach Resort at different price points.

While Telunas Beach Resort has got you covered with adrenaline-pumping, action-packed adventures, Telunas Private Island offers a completely different experience with spas, massages, a poolside bar, and an infinity pool for a relaxing getaway.

Telunas Resorts (29) - Beach resort accommodation

Beach Resort accommodations at Telunas

Though a Private Island stay would inevitably cost more, guests will have access to free activities like kayaking and hiking, as well as sporty activities at the Beach Resort. On the other hand, Beach Resort guests only have access to activities at the Beach Resort and not the private island.

Nevertheless, since these two islands are just a 5-minute boat ride away from each other, you can still enjoy the best of worlds simply by splitting your stay into 2 parts – part 1: idyllic vacay, part 2: chionging after adventure.


Click here to book your stay at Telunas Resorts!


This post was brought to you by Telunas Resorts.