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the vicissitudes of life

yes; WHY IS LIFE SO UNFAIR? probably one of the oldest questions on earth. a question even philosophers struggle to find the answer to. then again, do philosophers ever come up with answers to anything? 


why do only the good-looking people get all the attention?

too bad. deal with it. seek comfort in your self-perceived ugliness. you are who you think you are. you become who you think you are.


why do i try so hard yet nothing seems to go my way?

too bad. deal with it. seek comfort in your self-perceived bad luck. lady luck practises favouritism. you make things happen, not anything or anyone else.


why does my family seem… so abnormal?

too bad. deal with it. seek comfort in your self-perceived broken family. you define what is a normal family. is normal really normal? comparing makes a sad man depressed.


you can choose to look at things through crap goggles, or through rose-tinted glasses. choose either, and suffer the consequences.