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Find Out What Happens When Mixed Signals Go Hilariously Wrong – TSL Comedy : Episode 24

What does she mean?


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It’s common to understand things differently from what they’re meant to say – affection, especially. As the wise Bieber once said, “when you nod your head yes, but you want to say no.” So, what does she actually mean? The harsh truth is that we all grew up receiving mixed signals from the opposite gender. And yes, it’s not fun at all. 

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I’m sure everyone has experienced that awkward situation once in a lifetime. Me, personally? Been there, done that. And don’t get me started on how embarrassing it actually gets when you find out it was a one sided affection all along.

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In this episode of TSL Comedy, we show you how easy mistaking a girl’s actions can get. On another hand, if you think you’re not giving out mixed signals, you may need to think again! Watch the video below to find out how relatable this video is to you!

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