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Anomaly 2 Giveaway Winners and a PSA


What’s that? PSA? What on earth might that be you ask? Well it simply stands for a Public Service Announcement! 

Within these Public Service Announcement articles I’ll most likely be talking about my writing plans for the month and announce the winners of previous and future giveaways if there are any!

Anomaly 2 Giveaway 

So we had a giveaway of Anomaly 2 from our previous article featuring a developer interview with Pawel Miechowski, Senior Writer of 11 Bit Studios who were generous enough to hand us TWO copies of their latest game.



I really enjoy these developer interviews simply because I get to speak with interesting and passionate people within the games industry and talk about the development process and insight on how they actually build their games. 

Onwards to the results of the giveaway!

Announcing the winners of the giveaway:

IN FIRST PLACE- Wait it doesn’t work like that- Let’s try that again-

The two winners who were randomly picked from last week’s article’s comment section are.. let’s see- (clicks on the random number generator and match it with the assigned number of the participants)-

*Holds my breath*


Congratulations to iamltc  and kamigreed!

You just won yourself a free copy of Anomaly 2 kindly sponsored by 11 Bit Studios!

I will personally send you two an email of your Anomaly 2 key by the end of today and enjoy your free copy of the game!

Plans for the month of June

So what do I have planned for this month? Let’s see, I am still in the editing stages for two game developer interviews with Personae Studios and Simogo. Additionally I am in contact with the guys behind the Onikagi Kickstarter project, a campaign launched with a good cause to help support the people in Bandung, Indonesia by producing an innovative wallet design- the Modular Leather Wallet. So that should be fun, I mean, it’s for a good cause.. right?

Once I am finished with the interviews as mentioned above, I will schedule even more interviews! This time with Kiel Entertainment and interestingly enough, Wah!Banana– a popular Singaporean YouTuber who produces comedy videos similar to Nigahiga and D-trix.

I will also be receiving a few digital goods from Kickstarter projects I backed and I will be writing my impressions on the products. Gadgets such as the Pebble watch, the ChargeCard and the PapaBehr USB Figurine

Pebble? Pebble. PEBBLE! 


TheSmartLocal Team 

I just want to say that I am immensely honoured to be included into the TSL team, I would like to thank Bryan for giving me the opportunity to write for TheSmartLocal because well- without him, I wouldn’t be here would I?

At the end of the day I just want to continue writing about things that I am truly passionate about- that being anything relating to the games / entertainment industry and I feel highly privileged to be able to be in a position where I can grow with the TheSmartLocal community.

Hey he IS right, I AM playing their games!


(You can view the above image under the “About Us” section at the bottom of the website!)

I would also like to thank every single one of you readers who continue to support my work by reading my articles, my goal for this blog is to simply expose the games and entertainment industry to you lovely lot and I hope I will be able to continue writing content for you guys.

Have a great month ahead! (It is also the month where I was born in!)