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This Fat Freezing Treatment Helps You Lose Fat, So Relatives Won’t Say “Gain Weight Ah” This CNY

Fat freezing treatments at Halley Body Slimming Clinic

One of my favourite parts of this time of the year is the feasting. From the year-end turkey and ham-filled dinners, to the pre-CNY snacking on pineapple tarts and bak kwa, there are just so many good things to fill our bellies with.

Alas, the packing of calories comes with its consequences, like an expanding waistline. Come CNY, it’s almost expected that well-meaning relatives would be commenting “gain weight ah?” for those few extra pounds you’ve piled on.

While we’re all for body positivity, having a toner body is a new year’s resolution some of us have been trying to hit for a couple of years now. Thankfully, we’ve just discovered fat freezing treatments that will help you lose fat and keep them from coming back.

Remove unwanted fat for the long term

Although diet and exercise play a part in maintaining a svelte figure, we all know how hard it can be to target weight loss and unwanted fat in specific parts of the body.

halley at orchardgateway

Here’s where CoolSculpting at the Halley group of clinics – Halley Body Slimming Clinic and Halley Medical Aesthetics (Halley) comes in. Problem areas like the belly, arms, thighs and even the chin, can be targeted with this non-invasive, no downtime treatment. It uses cryolipolysis, a technology that freezes your fat cells within the layer that’s just below the skin.

Once the fat cells have been frozen and are damaged beyond repair, they’re then passed out through the body naturally. Yes, that means you’ll be shedding lost fat cells down the toilet. It’ll take three months for the full effects to kick in, so you’ll only see your final contoured body by then.

With one session, you’ll see up to 20-25% removal of fat from your treated area. It’s a long-term solution to body contouring, as the body won’t be able to reproduce its lost fat cells once they have been damaged.

How it works

doctor consultation
Dr Tan will weigh in on the best course of action to achieve your weight and body goals during consultation

Your CoolSculpting treatments will be doctor-directed here, meaning you’ll sit in with Dr Terence Tan, the founder and medical director of the Halley clinics first. He has done extensive research in CoolSculpting, giving it his seal of approval as a safe and scientifically-proven way to remove love handles, flabby arms, or other awkward bulges on your body.

coolsculpting template

During consultation, Dr Tan will plan which CoolSculpting applicators are suitable for you, and mark out the best place to apply them onto your body. This way, he gets to control where the fat freezing is done, so you’ll lose fat in ideal spots to get a more contoured look.

placing coolsculpting applicators

The trained therapists then take over to carry out the procedure. Fun fact: Halley is the only few clinics in Singapore that is able to administer QuadSculpting. Basically, you get to work on four body parts at once during one session, cutting down your treatment time by about 75%.

You’re left to your own devices after that while the machines take care of the rest during this pain-free process

And when your session is over, you’ll get a post-treatment care pack. The swag here includes meal replacement shakes and a guide to healthy eating and exercise to complement your new figure.

Pairing CoolSculpting with weight loss injections

While CoolSculpting is great for contouring the body by removing unsightly bulges, you’ll want to pair it with weight loss for a full body transformation. With CoolSculpting, you’ll look better in your clothes, but bringing down the numbers on your weighing scale will also give you a healthier body.

weight loss injection demo

For suitable patients, Dr Tan recommends pairing body contouring through fat freezing with weight loss with the help of semaglutide injection pens or oral medications, that work to suppress your appetite. This means you’ll still be able to gobble up all your favourite CNY treats, but you’ll feel full faster, so you won’t overindulge on those high-calorie goodies.

Do note that a consultation is needed for semaglutide. Dr Tan will do the necessary to ensure patients are suitable for the weight loss medications before prescribing them as part of your body slimming and contouring programme.

self-administered injection

After a demonstration on how to use the injections at Halley, you’ll carry out the rest in the comfort of your own home on a weekly basis. Step-by-step guides will be provided so there’s no need to worry about administering the shots incorrectly. You’ll also have regular reviews with Dr Tan who’ll ensure you’re on the right track in your weight loss journey.

Lose weight effectively with Halley 

As we get older, we know all too well that the struggle is real when it comes to losing weight. Lower metabolic rates coupled with swamped schedules that leave little or no time for exercise or proper meals result in a spilling muffin top and unsightly bulges.

halley interior

But at the Halley group of clinics, the road towards a toned body and dropping numbers on the weighing scale is paved with scientific backing. Finally, achieving your body goals will be a cakewalk and not a challenging ordeal.

Find out more about Halley Body Slimming Clinic & Halley Medical Aesthetics here

Address: 277 Orchard Road, #03-15, orchardgateway, Singapore 238858
Opening hours: 10AM-9PM, Daily
Telephone: 6737 8233

This post was brought to you by the Halley group of clinics.
Photography by Chan Huiwen.