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HydroDash – A First Look At Singapore’s First Inflatable Water Park At Sentosa

HydroDash Sentosa Singapore

With travel plans cancelled for now, most of us have been making more frequent trips to the beach to substitute our tropical holiday. But if the thrillseeker in you is looking for more to do at Sentosa’s Palawan Beach than sip wine and suntan, check out HydroDash Sentosa – Singapore’s first waterpark.

Safety measures across the park


Before heading into the water, you’ll be fitted for a life-jacket that you’ll have to keep on at all times while in the water park. Staff will be there to go through a safety briefing of dos and don’ts for you to enjoy yourself without getting injured too.

Proper swimwear is required for you to enter the aquapark, so make sure that you’re dressed for the event – clothing with hard objects, buttons or zippers are not allowed. If you’re wearing a bikini, make sure that it’s secure – you wouldn’t want to expose yourself to an unfortunate audience. For guys, make sure your bottoms aren’t too tight or too baggy as well. 

Besides not being allowed to bring hard or sharp objects like footwear, jewellery and GoPro cameras into the course, you’re also not allowed to wear glasses. So if you’re myopic like me, remember to pop in contact lenses if you can’t see without your glasses.


If you’re wondering how on earth you’re going to get back up the floating platforms after falling into the water, there are Step-up Systems in place all around the installation that’ll save you the effort and time struggling to get up. If you’re too tired, the lifeguards around the course will be more than happy to give you a helping hand.

Conquer obstacle courses with 3 levels of difficulty

Entering the course

You’ll enter the course from Level 2 – the wavy-edged platform in the foreground. Zones 1, 3, and 4 are arranged clockwise from the left.

If you think it’s possible to complete the course without getting wet – think again. Before you even enter the course, you’ll have to jump into the water before climbing onto the platform. Don’t worry about the swim being too far – two strokes and you’ll reach the yellow platform. But you’ll definitely have to brace yourself for the cold water. 

All the different zones can be accessed as loops from the main runway, although it’s free and easy from there. You’ll be able to roam safely around the course with lifeguards located throughout to keep an eye on everyone and for traffic control purposes. 

Zone 1 – kid-friendly zone


For parents concerned about your young one getting flattened like prata by an adult on the course, this zone is designated exclusively for kids aged 5-6 years old. 

They’ll have a whale of a time playing at this miniature obstacle course that’s fitted with a small slide and other wider obstacles that are appropriate for their height and size. They’ve got plenty of lifeguards on station there, but do take turns to keep an eye on them, so that you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the park too.

Zone 2 – monkey bar and target wheel


To start off easy, head off to Zone 2 where most of the obstacles involve climbing and a bit of balance like the monkey bars and a target wheel. With a bit of luck, you might even make it out without falling into the water. 


See who can make it across the Monkey Bars the fastest, or play a game of tag with friends around the target wheel: you lose if you’re it – or if you tumble unceremoniously into the water.

Zone 3 – trampoline and jump-off platforms


Make your way down to Zone 3 where the 3M-tall Springboard awaits you. Given how easy the climb up is as compared to the other obstacles in the course, you’ll almost think that it’s no biggie – until you reach the top. Wait too long and the cheeky lifeguard may just shake you off!

If you aren’t as daring, you can also choose to hop off the lower platform or even from the semi-circle steps on the side for a smaller splashdown.


If you’d like a break from the constant falling into the water, check out the Trampoline at the far left of the course where you can do somersault stunts or just bounce to your heart’s content.

Zone 4 – obstacle course with swings and slides

Of all the people that tried, only this kid could cross the HighRoller bridge successfully

Expect to fall in the water many, many times at Zone 4 with its challenging obstacle courses. Some of these obstacles may seem unassuming, but you’ll be surprised by how many times you’ll be sent flying into the water.

Try to make your way across the Swing like Tarzan without hitting the water, or across the unsupported HighRoller bridge without hitting the water or sliding back down. Getting across successfully doesn’t require only balance, but also strength and agility.


Obstacles like the Cliff can seem pretty easy at first glance,  you just need to grab onto the handles and inch your feet across. But try this with your feet slipping and sliding all over the place – you’ll probably find yourself hanging on for dear life with half your body in the water. 

Climb up the Action Tower via the ramp with the aid of knotted ropes – it’s far harder than it looks when your feet keep slipping!

One of the highlights of this course would be the Action Tower. Clamber up with the aid of the knotted ropes, or put your bouldering skills to the challenge by attempting the sheer overhang from the water. Be rewarded with an exhilarating slide down – but don’t forget to hold your nose, else you’ll get saltwater shooting up your nostrils!


Fulfil your Wipeout dream at HydroDash Sentosa


Most of us would have seen snippets of people slipping and sliding off huge obstacles on the American game show “Wipeout”. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a contestant, head down to HydroDash to get an idea and a healthy dose of fun.

To prevent disappointment, book your tickets online before heading down and arrive 30 minutes early for your safety briefing. It’ll be an exhilarating experience under the sun, so don’t forget to slap on some sun-block and do your warm-ups and stretches before starting your play! 

Ticket information: From $13/hour for ages 5-6, from $18/hour for adults (ages 7 and up)
How to get there: Take the Sentosa Express to Beach Station and walk or take the beach shuttle to Palawan Beach

Get your tickets to HydroDash here


Other things to do at Sentosa: 

Photography by Nadia Loewito.