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Look out for Buddie the Badger at Candy Empire!

You may remember our coverage last year of Run For Hope 2013, where funds raised for the run went towards cancer research in Singapore, and finding a hope for cancer patients.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Buddie-the-Badger-neck-warmer.jpgBuddie the Badger neck warmer

Recently, the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS) initiated the sale of “Buddie the Badgers” at the NCCS retail pharmacy which will go on throughout the year. This makes it easy for shoppers to pick up the mascot for good cause.

Donations will go to support NCCS’s charity fund – NCC Research Fund. If you do see this figurine around the next time you’re there, do remember what it represents and consider picking one up to contribute to a good cause… and a comfortable neck!


Pictures provided by NCCS. TSL community is our initiative to use our reach to highlight important issues to Singaporeans. This program focuses on raising awareness for charity and non-profit events and entities. Contact us and if your story resonates with us we will gladly share it with our readers.