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Singapore National Taekwondo Kyorugi Tournament 2013


Every year in late August or early September, the Singapore Taekwondo Federation (STF) holds the eagerly anticipated National Kyorugi Tournament, spread over 2 weekends for various weight, age and gender groups. This year, the event is held at the Toa Payoh Sports Hall on the 24/25 Aug and 31 Aug / 1Sep 2013 (Sat – 145pm – 7pm and Sun 9am – 8pm ,estimated timing) .

Kyorugi has rather comprehensive meaning in it. Kyorugi means not only sparring but also a sort of real fighting. But in most cases it means the sparring or competition.


At the Toa Payoh Sports Hall, where players dream will be answered or shattered… the light at the end of the tunnel, after months of rigorous training preparation. Entry is to the tournament is Free.


Tournament referees taking the STF pledge prior commencement of the tourny…


The computerized scoring system keeping a traditional martial art logistics simple and up to date…


 Wireless scoring delivery system…it was via wired gadget only a few years ago…the art  have evolved and catch up with time and kept pace with technology…


Sparring target pads and head protection gears waiting for competition players…For the senior division match on the 1 Sep 2013…the electronic PPS system will be used. This automated point transmitting via sensors embedded in the specially made contact sensitive target vests. Readers might seen in the last Olympic Games Taekwondo matches…


Coaches are a vital part of a player’s psyche during tournament. Strategies, techniques, mentoring,…all combined to ensured a player’s results…


The tournament commences with the junior division…building up to the seniors over the course of the 2 weekends competition. Players with age under 16 are barred from head kicks (to ensure no repeat of the regrettable fatal accident in previous years) … Yes , you guessed it…the tempo heats up with the senior divisions …especially on the 31st Aug and 1 Sep)..where the action is fast and furious…and head kicks are allowed.


But that does not mean the juniors kick air… you are assured of exciting matches especially from the more skilled and apt players…


The reward at the end of a tough journey can be immense and… priceless…especially for the victors.


The rewards make real through medals… it’s a dream answered… that will be remembered for a long time to come…


The moment of truth… presented here by Singapore oldest taekwondo exponent at 79 years old…or was he 80 ?…. the journey never ends for a true taekwondo exponent…


The tournament is a platform where aspiring taekwondo exponents showcase their skills and to seek acknowledgement of their accomplishment, where the STF can spot future national representatives,…but whatever the objectives, however varied the goals…the Nationals is the medium by which all are judged… and of course , to inspire and encourage new participants to the sports…

Are you game to drop to join in the fun ? Only 2 weekends…till the next year…..