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10 Reasons Parents Send Their Children to The Learning Lab

About The Learning Lab


With the recent debate about the merits of tuition and whether it really leads to significant gains, it is imperative that parents choose a tutorial service provider that goes beyond the paper chase. Qualities such as self-control, resilience, grit and determination are equally important in preparing your child for the challenges of tomorrow, and The Learning Lab provides your child with just that. 

The Learning Lab is one of Singapore’s leading academic and tutorial service providers with 14 years of history, and eight facilities island-wide. Here are ten reasons that convince us that The Learning Lab is not just another tutorial service provider, but is truly a notch above the rest.


1. More than instructors, teachers are mentors too


b2ap3_thumbnail_image08_20150729-091639_1.jpgStudents learn better when lessons are taught by a mentor more than a teacher, and that’s a concept The Learning Lab embodies. The Learning Lab prides itself on selecting only the brightest and most passionate teachers, who are keenly attuned to their students’ strengths and weaknesses, and play a key role in nurturing and encouraging them to dream big and reach for the stars. 

Teachers at The Learning Lab go through at least 200 hours of rigorous training where they learn to challenge their students to be innovative risk-takers, and nurture an adventurous spirit that will help their students transform their dreams into reality. 

Senior teachers and a quality management team make unannounced visits to classrooms, observing and giving feedback to teachers. This helps TLL ensure that every class they give is the best they can conceive. 


2. Students learn important life skills


b2ap3_thumbnail_image11_20150729-091709_1.jpg“Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he eats for a lifetime.” 

Beyond the paper chase, qualities such as self-control, resilience, grit and determination are equally important in preparing your child for the challenges of tomorrow. 

There are two missions underlying all programmes at The Learning Lab: (1) to help each student improve his/her academic performance; and (2) to encourage students to dream big, plan well and finally to succeed. 

Students at The Learning Lab are prepared for the demands of the real world – lessons extend beyond just helping students secure high test scores. Students are taught to challenge assumptions, and learn beyond curricular boundaries. Pragmatic essentials like global affairs and group presentation skills are also woven into the learning experience. 

Corporate-styled boardroom settings are further used to sharpen our students’ one-to-one and group presentation skills.  

b2ap3_thumbnail_image00_20150729-091730_1.jpgAs a whole, The Learning Lab strives to create an environment that consistently engages, ensuring that every lesson delivered to their students is relevant, challenging and most of all, fun. 


3. Cutting-edge and up-to-date curriculum 


b2ap3_thumbnail_image06_20150729-091816_1.jpgThe Learning Lab curriculum endeavours to equip each student with the necessary skills and knowledge to take on the world and succeed. 

Core programmes in English, Chinese, Math and Science follow the MOE syllabus closely, while at the same time are pitched at 20-30% higher than the MOE syllabus in their efforts to stretch their students’ potential. Meticulously prepared by a team of 30 curriculum writers, The Learning Lab’s curricula are updated weekly to ensure that their content stays current and relevant. 


4. Exposure to global affairs


At what age will you be ready to learn about Steve Jobs, Google, or the Eurozone crisis? At The Learning Lab, children as young as the age of five are exposed to such case studies, guided by easy-to-understand graphics and articles specially developed in-house.  

b2ap3_thumbnail_image04_20150729-091807_1.jpgMore than just increasing their general knowledge, students are inspired by stories of famous personalities like Mark Zuckerberg, learning how drive, resilience, and motivation translate into success.


5. A confident headstart 


b2ap3_thumbnail_image12_20150729-091723_1.jpgThe Learning Lab Junior is The Learning Lab’s flagship brand for premier preschool enrichment. At TLLJ, preschool headstart programmes are designed to build self-confidence in cognitive and language ability in core areas such as English, Math and Chinese, and are all delivered within a conducive learning environment. 

With nurturing teachers and inspiring lessons, young children will enjoy learning – especially when it seems like play! 


6. Conducive learning environment


b2ap3_thumbnail_image05_20150729-091812_1.jpgMeticulous care is taken in every detail to ensure an optimal learning environment for The Learning Lab’s students.

Their specially curated libraries are a labour of love, taking pride of place in each of their eight facilities. With more than 77,000 books to choose from, there is something for everyone, from the reluctant to the voracious reader. The Learning Lab strongly believes that tomorrow’s leaders must be today’s readers and their library is their commitment to cultivate a reading habit in their students that go beyond their academic needs.


7. Going beyond academics – learning is fun! 


b2ap3_thumbnail_image03_20150729-091802_1.jpgMost children think of school holiday enrichment classes during holidays as sad and boring, but that’s only because they haven’t seen The Learning Lab’s line-up of exciting classes! 

Every school holiday, The Learning Lab will run a variety of unique and original programmes which range from serious and rigorous (e.g. their proven Turbocharge series which provides an intensive revision of the past term’s key topics and concepts) to fun and enriching (e.g. their Amazing World of Science camp which introduces students to fundamental Science concepts in an engaging and easy-to-understand manner). 

At The Learning Lab, there are endless learning possibilities! 


8. Mandarin is cool! 


b2ap3_thumbnail_image09_20150729-091649_1.pngWith English being Singapore’s default lingua franca, many students find Chinese unnecessary and boring. Yet, discerning parents recognise the importance of learning Chinese – with China’s well-charted rise to becoming a superpower, effective bilingualism has become imperative.

Chinese Lab , The Learning Lab’s new flagship brand for premier Chinese enrichment, aims to groom global citizens who are able to navigate this increasingly bicultural world with ease. Built on the belief that love for language comes from an appreciation and understanding of culture, Chinese Lab encourages students to think beyond the confines of the classroom by showcasing the best of the Chinese world through case studies of iconic figures like Bruce Lee, Jay Chou and Jack Ma, and cultural modules on Chinese history, pop music and calligraphy. 


9. Unrivalled track and placement records


b2ap3_thumbnail_image02_20150729-091753_1.jpgThe Learning Lab has incomparable track and placement records in Singapore. 

Academic track record

The Learning Lab’s students have consistently done well in national exams. Here are some snippets of their remarkable achievements:

  • Between 2010 and 2014, 1,229 students from The Learning Lab attained top PSLE scores ranging from the 260s to 280s.  
  • In 2011, TLL’s top 3 students ranked first, second and third respectively nationwide with aggregate scores of 283, 282 and 281.
  • 8 TLL students were among Singapore’s top 17 PSLE scorers in 2011.
  • In 2010, TLL’s top 2 students ranked first and second respectively nationwide with aggregate scores of 282 and 278.
  • 6 TLL students were among Singapore’s top 17 PSLE scorers in 2010.

Placement record 

Over the past decade, TLL also established an unrivalled placement record in the academic enrichment and tutorial segment in Singapore.

  • Some of the programmes TLL students have been accepted into: 
  • Gifted Education Program (GEP)
  • The best Integrated Programs (IPs), including RI, RGS, HCI, NYGH, ACS(I), NUS High, VJC, NJC, SOTA and the other top IPs.
  • The best mainstream O-level schools
  • Top junior colleges
  • Progressing with excellence past their ‘O’ and ‘A’ levels, their alumni have had a remarkable record of getting into top universities, including Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Stanford and Yale. 

10. Positive parental engagement at The Learning Lab 


b2ap3_thumbnail_image10_20150729-091652_1.jpgThe Learning Lab believes that children learn and develop better when parents are engaged in their learning journey. To this end, The Learning Lab has developed a proprietary Parent Portal system in order for parents to monitor their child’s learning progress at The Learning Lab, view attendance records, and submit requests for Parent-Teacher Communication, class transfers, worksheets etc. 


The Learning Lab – Because your children deserve the best


b2ap3_thumbnail_image07_20150729-091902_1.jpgThe Learning Lab is the enrichment centre your children deserve. Going far beyond what’s required, it is no surprise that The Learning Lab has the reputation it deserves – as one of the top tutorial service providers in a nation full of tuition agencies. By building every student’s soft skills and character, The Learning Lab prepares the next generation to step out as world-ready leaders. 

This post was brought to you by The Learning Lab.