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The Upcoming Unofficial Official SG50 Party By Tiger Has A Chilli Crab Fountain And Indoor Fireworks

A Party For The People



Tiger is a brand we associate with fun, flavour and good times. This year, Tiger will be inviting you to decide what you want to see at their SG50 celebrations – the “Unofficial Official SG50 Party”. It’s not going to be your standard party, as there could be several key Singaporean elements, all with their own unique twists. 

One idea that caught our attention is the chilli crab fountain – chilli crab sauce oozing gloriously down onto your food skewers. Other possible items include indoor fireworks, drone disco balls, and a holographic DJ.

Not all these items will be here though. You’ll have to make your voice heard by casting your vote. Highlights with the most votes will be featured at the party. By voting, you’ll also stand a chance to win tickets to the party to see the items you voted for!


Note: Everyone above 18 can vote! Voting can be done online at or on-ground at Knightsbridge on 4 July and One Raffles Place on 9 July. Voting closes on 19 July. You can only get tickets to the party through voting – they can’t be purchased anywhere else.


1. Chilli Crab Fountain



Ever seen one of those chocolate fountains? Remember how the smooth chocolate flowed down onto your marshmallow or fruit-on-a-stick? Those are certainly great. But what we might see for Tiger’s SG50 party will drop your jaw and leave it hanging. 

This is no ordinary fountain. This is a fully decked-out chilli crab fountain. Where chilli crab sauce flows down and onto your food. When we first heard about this, we were absolutely stunned like vegetables. This is culinary innovation at its craziest.


2. Trishaw Massage Chair


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If you’re the type who likes to party and light up the dance floor with your moves until your body aches, this may be the thing for you to rest and recharge your body before rejoining the party. Feeling Singaporean while doing it too? That’s a bonus.


3. Beer Assembly Line


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I’ve always been interested in automated assembly lines for canned food and of course, beer. I’d love to grab a can of freshly made beer off the assembly line and hear that satisfying POP as I snap it open. If you vote for this, you’ll be able to too.


4. Drone Disco Balls


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This looks ridiculously cool. We’ve only associated drones with military use and Amazon deliveries. Now, you can add ‘party atmosphere’ to that list. It’s unbelievably futuristic and it might be coming to a party near you – if you vote for it.



5. Tiger Beer Can Sculptures


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Aluminium can art may well be the new origami. A quick Google search for ‘beer can sculptures’ will astound you. We saw Christmas trees, birds, and model cars – all made of discarded beer cans. This idea merits points for recycling and creativity – we can’t wait to see what designs Tiger will unveil at the party.


6. Chilli Padi Popcorn



We’ve had sweet and salted popcorn before. Cheese and chocolate-flavoured even. But not chilli padi popcorn… yet! It’s popcorn with a local twist – the most Singaporean popcorn you’ve ever seen. Fans of chilli, make your voice heard! We hope it won’t be too spicy – chilli padi is infamously hot.


7. Beer Kacang


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Remember Kacang Puteh? I recall how the Kacang Puteh man waited outside my school for the hordes of hungry schoolchildren to buy his many snacks. This item showcases a bit of nostalgia with a modern twist – it’s kacang puteh, with beer. 


8. Ice Kacang Ice Sculpture


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Instagram-worthy. This adds to the decor and reminds you that you are in a truly Singaporean party. We don’t suggest eating it, but if you’re a huge ice kacang fan, this is something to look out for.
“If you vote for it, we’ll make it happen”.


9. Mini Helicopter Flypast


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A fitting prelude to the five star flypast at the Padang. Many Singaporeans have never seen a helicopter up close before, so this will be a real eye-opener. If you didn’t manage to get a ticket to the NDP to see the flypast, this may be the closest thing you’ll have to it for a while. 


10. Indoor Fireworks


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I watched the National Day Parade when I was seven years old.The only thing I remember from that parade was running up the stairs to the tallest floor of my apartment building to catch a better view of the fireworks. I watched them excitedly until the last one, even though it was well past my bedtime.

Singaporeans love fireworks, whether it’s at the Chingay Parade or the NDP. We’re sure this will be the biggest showstopper of the night. Expect Instagram and Facebook to go wild with videos when the indoor fireworks come out to play. As exciting as the idea sounds, don’t forget to catch the blockbuster ones at the Floating Platform on National Day. 


Make Your Voice Heard!


Remember, only highlights with the most votes will be featured, and only voters can stand a chance to win tickets to the Unofficial Official SG50 Party. We suggest you vote now, and vote wisely! 

When: 5 August 2015, 6.30 p.m.
Where: Capitol Theatre
Tickets: Only can be won through voting on the website.

This post was brought to you by Asia-Pacific Breweries Pte Ltd.