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9 Ways TrichoKare Will Solve All Your Hair Problems

About TrichoKare



TrichoKare is a scalp specialist hair center that offers trichologist-validated treatment and European herbal hair remedies. Because the scalp is the foundation for healthy hair, their treatments guarantee real results regardless of your problem. Their treatments are super extensive and cover a huge range of problems – from baldness to oiliness or dandruff.

Before this, I didn’t actually think my scalp was unhealthy. My hair, yeah, because I botched up 2 self-bleaching jobs (yikes), but I didn’t let the bleach near my scalp, so I thought it was fine. But apparently, no one out there actually has a perfectly healthy scalp, unless you’ve always been consciously taking super good care of it!


The consultation


Before anything happens, you have a consultation with them. You’ll be whisked away into a little room with a computer in it and seated down with a questionnaire. This helps the therapists understand your situation better and enable them to come up with a treatment that suits you best.


1. It’s all about you


Right from the very beginning, the entire treatment will revolve around you.

I was asked a series of very comprehensive questions regarding my hair condition, history, together with medical history. Because hair can be affected by things you eat, your workout routine and your hormonal balance, these will help them customise the most effective treatment for you.

And then they’ll take scans of close-ups of your scalp, like they did mine. Look at this! I wash my hair on alternate days, so this is actually my 2 day old unwashed scalp. Yucks, so gross.


As you can see, I have clogged pores and a slightly flaky scalp. The consultant told me that my scalp is only mildly problematic and is a combination scalp, with some oilier areas and some more delicate areas.


2. Super friendly and helpful staff


Not gonna lie – I initially felt really uncomfortable at the thought of someone zooming into my scalp and looking at how gross it is. I thought I was going to feel super judged. But my consultant Jennifer was extremely friendly and made small talk and had a bright and warm personality, which put me at ease. 

I was still a tad embarrassed by the image on the screen, and I cannot believe I’m voluntarily putting this image on the Internet, but the point is that I didn’t feel judged by her and I really appreciate her friendliness.


3. Highly professional



During consultation, as Jennifer asked me about my hair condition and scanned my scalp, she kept dropping hair care tips. So apparently, the idea that you shouldn’t wash your hair everyday because it damages your hair is false! The scalp is an extension of the face, so just as you’d wash your face everyday because it gets oily, your scalp needs to be cleansed everyday. And the scalp is the foundation of your hair, so if you’ve got an unhealthy scalp, it’s unlikely that you’ll have healthy hair.

If shampooing everyday dries out your hair, you need to get a stronger conditioner, or start using one. Not washing your hair everyday could really clog up the follicles in your scalp.

Okay but what I really mean to get across is that the staff here is so knowledgeable and professional that I felt really safe entrusting my hair problems to them.





After consultation, the therapist will run through what s/he thinks is the best treatment option for you. So for me, they recommended the Scalp Purification Masque and the Anti-Dandruff Scalp Treatment, together with what they call Hair Cushioning, which consists of a wash, tonic and massage. At the end, there was also a Red Light Therapy to help the hair absorb the tonic better.


4. The perfect solution


At the end of the consultation, there’ll be a treatment customised especially for your hair condition, of course with the problem you’re most concerned with in mind as well. If you’re unsatisfied with what you hear after they run through it with you, you can request something else.

The whole concept of customised treatment is really cool, because you know that it’s tailored for you, so it’s definitely going to help. Unlike when you buy random hair care products or go to salons for hair treatments, where they only treat the hair shaft superficially for a short-term improvement, treating the scalp with specific problems will remove the issue by the root, and you’ll have beautiful hair for a looong time after.

After we had confirmed my treatment for the day, I was brought into the room where I was greeted by my therapist, Rose.


5. Super comfortable and relaxing



I was seriously fighting to stay awake because the therapist’s expert hands were just so relaxing. They’ve got relaxing piano music playing, and they serve you a nice cup of tea and offer you magazines. It’s amazing.


Plus, they put me in their VIP room, which is typically reserved for loyal customers, where they have uAngel massage chairs which really added a great deal to the experience.


6. You know exactly what’s happening


I personally hate it when people do things to me and I have no idea what they’re doing. So I was happy that I didn’t have to feel like that annoying customer that goes “sorry but um what are you doing? what’s this supposed to do?” every step of the treatment. They kept me informed on what everything was and how it was going to feel.


First, Rose putting the scalp purification masque on me. It’s super watery so that it can spread all over the scalp easier, rather than a thick paste that doesn’t spread. But the downside was that some of it started to run down my forehead. Luckily, Rose was super alert to that and always wiped it away for me.


After this was done, there was a blue liquid, officially called the Anti-Dandruff Scalp Treatment, but introduced to me as the “hot mask”, put on me. At first I was like this isn’t hot what, it’s completely okay, but in about 2 minutes, my scalp starting feeling really hot. It doesn’t burn like fire, more like chili or pepper. 


After that, they washed everything off and conditioned my hair, followed by my favourite part: the hair cushioning! They conditioned and blow-dried my hair, then massaged a tonic into it.


Then there was this scary red octopus-like contraption that emitted infrared, they call it red light therapy and it helps you absorb the treatment better! It was just warm and quite relaxing actually, not even half as scary as it looks.




My hair was definitely feeling softer, though not a dramatic visible change. But that’s just a bonus: the main effect is to be seen on the scalp! So I was brought back into the consultation room to review the results.


7. Great results!


Remember how gross my scalp looked before? Flaky and red and all disgusting? Well, this is what it looks like now. The top 2 squares are befores and the bottom 2 are afters.


As you can see, my scalp is a lot clearer and has been thoroughly unclogged, but there are still some stubborn spots which will require more treatment to get rid of. Overall, I was surprised to see that my scalp was so clear as she ran the device through my hair.

A great bonus was that my hair felt softer to touch and was more manageable. Even in pictures you can kind of tell that my hair looks smoother. Yay!


8. Professional review


The consultant will run through the results with you and give an even more in-depth analysis of your scalp based on how effective the first treatment was. You can also give your feedback on how you found the treatment and discuss future treatment options with your consultant.

If you feel like you need more help, you can also book an appointment with their trichologist at an extra charge.


9. Holistic packages with simple aftercare



Their most highly-recommended treatment package is the 10-week treatment one, and it comes complete with take-home products so you can maintain the results. The packages are designed to make sure your scalp problems will be solved and you can rest assured they’re very thorough.

I was really impressed by how meticulous their service is.


Have great hair!



Who doesn’t want to have great hair? I know I do! And the foundation for healthy, beautiful hair starts with a healthy scalp, and that’s what TrichoKare helps to treat. Aside from scalp treatments, they do have treatments such as the protein mask that target the hair shaft if your problem is really dry hair. I’d definitely recommend TrichoKare over any of the regular salon treatments, simply because they target the root of your hair problems.


Also, there’s a promotion going on where you can get a 2-IN-1 Hair & Scalp ReGEN Treatment (Total Worth $516) at just $59.99! Click here to visit their website and chope the deal while it lasts!


Getting There


Velocity @ Novena Square:#03-19; near Novena MRT
The Clementi Mall:#05-11; near Clementi MRT
Nex:#02-24; near Serangoon MRT
Orchardgateway:#02-12; near Somerset MRT

Opening Hours: Monday-Friday & Sunday: 11am – 8pm | Saturday: 10am – 7pm

This post was brought to you by TrichoKare.