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This App Gets A Pro To Your Doorstep In 60 Seconds To Fix Any Last Minute Cock-Ups

Find your Pro ASAP


It’s 9pm and your air conditioning has broken down (again). You’re at a crossroads: call up an air-con service and pray they haven’t closed for the night or tahan the night with the humid Singapore heat. Knowing that the former is 99% unlikely without a ridiculous surcharge, you opt to sweat it out for the next 8 hours. 

Well now you can avoid that dilemma altogether with just a touch of a button. To solve the sticky situations Murphy’s Law can bring about, we’re setting you up with FINDAPRO, an app that brings the pros to your doorstep. 

This app promises to link you up with a lifesaver for every “crap happens” scenario of everyday life and we’ve sussed out a list of the 6 most unexpected pro listings you’ll find in their catalog.


1. A Fashion Stylist for last minute fashion help


 fashion stylist smart local

Your secondary school reunion is happening tonight and you desperately need an outfit that’ll give off the impression that you have your life together. You’re too strapped for time to purchase an entirely new wardrobe and too lazy to head out the door to steal garments from your mates. 

Open the app and choose from a wide selection of fashion stylists who can cater to your every wardrobe’s whim and fancy. Simply send out a mass request to your local fashionistas with a stipulated budget and expect a bid within the day. Go from drab to fab without the hassle – you’re welcome. 

Take note that all payments are secure and only released once the deed has been done. If you aren’t happy with the service, FINDAPRO entitles you to a full refund. Pretty sweet, for all you kancheong spiders, eh.


2. Up the positive vibes with your personal Fengshui master


fengshui singapore

You’ve just moved into your new BTO home with bae and you’re looking to inject some good Qi (positive energy) into the bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). After all, you don’t want anything to get in the way of your blissful union.

cny smart local

But the challenge here is finding someone to solve these niche requests and getting it done speedily. Don’t fret, for FINDAPRO offers the services of Fengshui masters at your disposal.

If you’re skeptical on how ‘qualified’ they are, just list a bid and wait for a reply. Proceed to grill him/her on a private chat via the app about what they can offer to spice up your space. The key is communication and you won’t have to worry about the lack of it with FINDAPRO


3. Get the Kardashian-party feels with deco by a Balloon Artist


21st birthday singapore
Source: @lyqian

You’re hosting the blow-out party of the year, one that would put the Kardashians to utter shame. You have it all down – the lights, canapes, goodie bags. But something’s amiss and you can’t quite put your finger on it. And suddenly, it strikes you – there are no balloons to be found in your deco plans.

21st birthday balloons singapore
Source: @lyqian 

Let’s be clear, balloons aren’t exclusive to kiddy parties and have been making their appearances at 21st birthday bashes all around the island. If you die-die need these party savers last minute, your calls have been answered. Whether it’s balloon animals or atas wall deco, let the pros do the job for you, simply ask.


4. Let a Makeup Artist transform your face into a work of art


halloween makeup singapore
Source: @lyqian 

Halloween’s coming up and you know what that means. Gore, blood and deformed body parts – but all fake of course. It’s October 31st and you’re dawdling on YouTube, praying for a feasible makeup tutorial that you actually can pull off on your own. Alas, these looks require the skills of a Michelle Phan 2.0 which you clearly don’t possess. 

Save your makeup-free pout for another day! Kiss your lipstick woes goodbye with their selection of makeup artists who’ll drop by your place ASAP to transform your face just in time for the celebrations. Much better than stinging your waterline with failed attempts at eyeliner.


5. Satiate your salted egg yolk cravings with a To-Home Chef


grilled fish

You’ve finally scored that Tinder meetup and the date’s set. You choose to take the road less travelled and invite her over for a fancy home-cooked meal instead of the overpriced cafe fare. But one look at your pantry of instant Maggi mee and your hopes of impressing her go down the drain.

Thankfully, the food gods have answered your prayers by gifting you a To-Home Chef with the click of a button. Simply communicate the specific cuisine of your romantic meal to your personal chef via the app and wait for the nosh to be served. 

After all, the key to a lover’s heart is through her stomach and a delicious meal is bound to keep her coming back for more. Bon appetit!


6. Have an emcee kickstart your special occasion


emcee singapore

‘Tis the season for us millennials to get married. With so many weddings popping up on your newsfeed, it’s also imperative that you plan and find an entertaining host for your big night. But your kakis are either too quiet or paiseh to be your emcee for the show and you’re at wits’ ends trying to make it work. 

Well now you can get one instantly and even include a maximum budget you’re willing to allocate – because weddings aren’t cheap y’know. Have your own Ryan Seacrest 2.0 for the night and even get to interview him/her before you make the final decision on the app. It’s a proven mathematical certainty: a lively emcee always produces lively guests.


Finding a match made in Pro-heaven


Rest assured, you’re bound to find the right AND qualified Pro no matter the weather. All Pros are verified by the app through strict checks and reviews from previous users are clearly stated on their profile.

The features of FINDAPRO also make it completely idiot-proof for tech noobs. Here’re some of the coolest features available to hook yourself up with the most qualified specialists our little red dot has to offer.


a) A ginormous range of services to choose from


findapro singapore

From videographers to valet drivers, this app offers a smorgasbord of various professions for you to pick from, whatever the occasion. Have a messy room and need to do some spring cleaning? House cleaner, check. Wanna try out the latest yoga skillz? Tap for an instant yoga instructor.


b) An unlimited list of individuals ready to be at your doorstep ASAP


findapro singapore

After you’ve selected your service, scroll through potential pros who’ll be able to cater to your specific woe or need. Just like Tinder, look through their profiles and decide who you want to ‘swipe right’ on. Simply send out a single request and wait to see if you both are the right fit for each other.


c) Alternatively, set your specifications and wait for the bids to flood in


findapro singapore

If you aren’t too fussy about who fixes your problem, just dispatch a mass request to all the pros in the service you require. Proceed to craft your specific task details. Key points such as your budget, address and any additional information should be provided! 

Unlike the traditional method of calling up specialists, your request will be seen by every pro using the app and they can bid to service you. And if you need it done in a jiffy, don’t fret as 30% of all requests receive bids within a minute and 60% receive them in an hour! Once the bids have made their way in, you will instantly be notified. Pretty neat huh.


d) Communicate in a private chat with your “match”!


findapro singapore

Congratulations! You’ve found your match. The app offers a private chat for you and your pro to discuss the service they’ll be providing. This prevents any miscommunication and ensures you both are always on the same page. And don’t fret because the chat is immediately closed once the task has been completed.


A Pro for all occasions


findapro singapore

Search for FINDAPRO on the App Store or Google Play for these amazing life hacks. If you register for a new account before 30 November 2016, you’re eligible to win a total of $550 worth of NTUC vouchers. But your feedback is also important in equipping fellow islanders with the easy life. Share your experiences with the app on their Facebook Page and receive $5 worth of Breadtalk vouchers.

TSL readers, you’re in luck because you’ll enjoy a $10 discount for any service that costs $30 and above by the end of this year. Simply use the promo code [SMARTLOCAL] upon checkout and open yourself up to an insane life perk.

findapro user singapore

You no longer have to spend hours on Google researching specialists that may or not be able to provide the services you desperately require – let them come to you with this app. 


Find out more about FINDAPRO here!

This post was brought to you by FINDAPRO.